Only hours left to have your gift doubled for farm animals.
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I know your inbox is probably overflowing-both with New Year's greetings from friends and loved ones and last-minute requests for your generous help. So I'll be quick.
Before you head out for your New Year's plans, I hope you'll take a moment to let your Farm Sanctuary friends-our two- and four-legged residents alike-know you're there for them again this year by making your tax-deductible year-end gift.
We're so close to our goal! Please, help us reach it by joining with a 100% tax-deductible year-end gift to Farm Sanctuary now. Hurry, before 2019 comes to an end-your donation will be doubled, thanks to our friend Sally's generous matching gift offer!
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The suffering of animals trapped in inhumane factory farms-chickens debeaked and confined to overcrowded cages, cows confined and continually impregnated and bred for milk production, pigs trapped in gestation crates roughly the size of their bodies, and more-is too often untold and overlooked.
At Farm Sanctuary, we work tirelessly to expose the abuse and exploitation of animals trapped within factory farms and other systems of cruelty-rescuing those in imminent danger and raising awareness around the risks factory farming poses to the environment, to human health, and to nearby rural communities who often suffer higher rates of respiratory, neurobehavioral, and mental illnesses as a result.
In other words, factory farming and other animal abuses don't just hurt the farm animals directly impacted-they hurt all of us. And only together will we achieve a cleaner, safer, more just world for humans and animals alike. Please, help us do that by joining with a 100% tax-deductible year-end gift before midnight!
Don't miss out on the chance to have your gift matched, dollar for dollar.
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From our Farm Sanctuary family to yours, Happy New Year. Thank you so much for all that you do.
Warm regards,
Megan Watkins
CEO and Executive Director
P.S. Farm Sanctuary counts on friends like you to be the first line of protection for farm animals. If you see a farm animal in danger or distress, or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring, please contact Farm Sanctuary right away at (607) 583-2225 ext. 299. Your call can save an animal's life. Your generous donation can, too! Please rejoin Farm Sanctuary now-when the clock strikes 12, the match ends, so don't wait!
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Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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