Make your gift before our triple match ends at midnight.
This opportunity won't last much longer, Advocate — our triple match ends in just a few hours. Please don't miss this FINAL chance to triple your support for civil and human rights in 2019! Don't let the clock strike midnight without showing your renewed energy to fight for our democracy: Triple your gift now.
We're short of our goal Advocate
Make your donation triple before midnight!
Advocate, 2020 is going to be a tough year for our democracy — and we won't be ready to fight hate and bias, proactively take on voter suppression, and advance all your top civil rights priorities without reaching our $50,000 fundraising goal.

Will you chip in and help us reach $50K? Remember, every dollar you give is worth three, but only until midnight.

America is overdue for a 21st century democracy — one in which every voice matters and every vote is valued. We can only build this democracy together, and we have to start now.

Please triple your gift before the clock strikes 12.
1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
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