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Did anyone have 80 degrees for the first weekend of November
on their bingo card? I certainly didn't. It's been a beautiful weekend
to get out and about across Ward 6 though! October has already come to
an end – I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Last Friday I
stopped by Hilloween along with what felt like almost all of Capitol
Hill – people were excited that Hilloween was back! Lots of great
costumes for kids of all ages and even our doggy pals, but I know the
“Spook-ulator” bus driven by a scary skeleton driver was a big hit in
my household.
In addition to fall events throughout the neighborhood, we’ve had a
busy few weeks on the Council. More below, so let’s get started.
Quick Links: Public Safety
Update | Revised Criminal Code | General Election Voting | Spielberg Park | Automatic Voter
Registration | Parking Proposal Update | Pumpkin Disposal | COVID and Flu Shots | Rubell Museum | Randall
School History Project | Leaf
Collection and Street Sweeping | Free
Weatherization Tools | Congresswoman
Norton's NPS Parks Town Hall | ONSE Pathways
Ceremony | Penn Ave and Florida Ave Bus Lanes
| Transportation Planning Board | Safeway Feast of Sharing | Electric Shuttles Coming to SW | Water Assistance | RFK
Public Safety Update
In the past two weeks, I’ve met with neighbors in every part
of the Ward to talk through public safety challenges in their
immediate area. In each neighborhood, different factors are at play
and it’s been helpful to share what steps the city is taking to
address issues, what more is needed, and how MPD and the city is
listening to and working with the community. If you need to connect
with me and my team on public safety in your neighborhood, please
don’t hesitate to reach out or just reply to this
I wanted to share a few tidbits from a presentation Chief
Contee gave to the Council last week as well. MPD has reported that
while we're no where near where we want to be, they are seeing
progress in most of the crime data they report, with most of the
difference being seen in the last six months. City-wide violent crime
is down about 5% compared to last year, and comparing the second half
of 2022 to the first half of 2022, the reductions are more
significant. Although, certain crimes like carjacking remain up from
last year. I always share stats with a caveat — if crime just happened
to you, to your family, to your neighbor, or to your community, then
crime just went up for you and all the stats in the world don't mean a
thing. For example, MPD is reporting that there were several robberies
around the District last night, including in Ward 6. When I talked
with MPD leaders this morning, they let me know that 1D officers made
an arrest of three individuals, recovered a handgun, and think it's
likely these individuals will be connected to other robberies. I
commend the work of these officers and it's an example of the action
needed to hold those who do harm accountable, but for the victims of
those crimes or the neighbors on the block, stats and trends don't
capture the trauma they just experienced.
digging back into these numbers, the city's public safety leaders note
the source of the declines is probably due to a few factors. First,
I’ve seen much better government-wide communication and coordination
between law enforcement, violence interruption, and city services to
improve hot spots and engage more directly the folks we know are most
at risk. That's putting the "both/and" you've heard me talk about into
practice and I'll keep working to push and partner to make sure this
hard work continues.
Second, MPD has made some key arrests. As MPD and others have
said many times, most violent crime is committed by a small group of
people. So when you make an arrest, you can see drops in crimes,
particularly with crimes where we know it's more organized around
carjacking or theft.
But don’t mistake me — we are not where we need to be and I
am not satisfied. I also understand there's a difference between data
trends that might show progress, and the very real emotions behind not
feeling safe. I talk every day with folks that don't believe public
safety is where it needs to be and I agree. It's why this remains the
top issue we're working on across government. And while we’re trending
below where we were last year, 2021 was a year that saw big increases
over previous years. So we’ve still got a long way to
Arrest Made in H St Shooting:
This week I joined Chief Contee and First District MPD officers as
they announced an arrest was made in the shooting of Washington
Commanders running back Brian Robinson. You’ll note in this
article with the Chief’s comments, this was in partnership with
federal law enforcement and the community. That’s been a part of the
success we’ve seen
with investigations that lead to an arrest. Whether the victim is a
famous football player, or anyone else, the collaboration and action
is expected across the board and I commend the work of MPD, ATF, and
the community in helping lead to the arrests and accountability
Revised Criminal Code Unanimously Passes First
Council Vote
On Tuesday, the Council unanimously voted to approve the
Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022, a major overhaul, modernization,
and reorganization of the District’s criminal code. As the bill is
understandably getting a lot of attention right now, I’d like to
briefly cover what the bill is not, since we continue to see a lot of
misinformation spread. If this is your first time hearing about the
Revised Criminal Code, I went into a lot of detail in my
last newsletter, press
conference, and press
Does this bill get rid of the carjacking statute?
No. Under the bill approved this week,
carjacking will remain a standalone offense. And the Council increased
the proposed penalties for carjacking from what had been sent to the
Council. The bill does follow the recommendations of the Criminal Code
Reform Commission (CCRC) to create well-defined gradations based on
the severity of the incident, with increased penalties to
Does this bill lower
penalties? Not in practice. As
part of its work, the CCRC sought to bring consistency across all
offenses. Because our criminal code has never been through a
comprehensive scrubbing like this, our laws are very inconsistent.
Some charges carried mandatory minimums while others did not. Some had
very high maximums, far beyond what judges actually sentence. Some had
different degrees (first degree, second degree, etc) while others did
not. The RCCA consistently organizes and creates gradations across all
offenses. It removes nearly every mandatory minimum and brings
maximums closer in line with what judges actually are sentencing.
Nearly every sentence from the past decade would fit in line with the
sentences in the RCCA.
It also includes increased penalties for using a gun as part
of an offense, and increases penalties for repeat offenders or people
who offend while on pre-trial supervision. It increases penalties for
harm done to protected classes, including children. I share all of
this to be sure you understand that people who do serious harm will be
held to serious account.
Finally, if you’re unsure about changes to penalties, keep in
mind this increase in crime the District (and the nation) has happened
with our current code. The District has one of the highest per capita
incarceration rates in the nation and yet we’ve endured these
increases. Our current code has played a role in making us less safe,
largely because it is inconsistent in a way that makes everyone’s job
harder and is open to bias and uneven
Does the bill take away police’s ability to act on
public nuisances and disruptions? No. The bill
ensures MPD officers can be responsive to resident concerns around
quality of life offenses. In some of these issues, such as public
urination or defecation, handcuffs usually won’t solve the underlying
causes (and MPD rarely arrests for these offenses anyway). But MPD
will still have these tools to address these when needed. And for
instances where people are disturbing the peace, MPD can still
intervene and make an arrest when necessary, but I would like to see
the District get serious about a more robust civil enforcement system
that can free up our police officers to focus on more serious
Overall, not everyone agrees with everything that’s in the
bill, and that’s okay. All the actors involved, different parties from
across the criminal justice system (US Attorney’s Office, DC Attorney
General, the Public Defender Service, and more) had to come to the
table and collaborate, negotiate, and work together on revising DC's
outdated criminal code. All parties agree that this overhaul is
necessary, even if they don’t agree with every provision, which
demonstrates the significance of this historic bill. As I've explained
above, there has been some misunderstanding and misinformation on
certain parts of the bill, which is understandable for a bill of this
massive and complex. The DC Justice Lab has compiled list of FAQs
as well as a helpful list of myths
vs. facts on some misunderstood parts of the RCCA.
This is the product of years of hard work and a lot of compromise and
collaboration — I’m proud to see this move forward and will be sure to
keep you updated as it moves along to a second vote in the coming
General Election Voting is Underway!
Speaking of voting, Election Day is just around the corner,
but voting in DC has been underway for weeks. There are three ways you
can vote:
If you’re not yet registered, you can also same-day register
in person or update your registration at either early voting or
Election Day vote centers. We’re already on pace for higher turnout
than the 2018 midterm elections. Let’s keep it going! Make your voice
heard and go vote!
Spielberg Park Renovations are Finally
Two years ago, I added $750,000 to the DC budget to renovate
and improve Spielberg Park at the corner of 17th and Massachusetts
Ave, SE. It was in Ward 6 at the time, and now is located in Ward 7.
But regardless of what ward it's located in, all neighbors are going
to enjoy some much needed improvements. For folks that might not know
the history, Spielberg Park was created as part of the 2002 Steven
Spielberg and Tom Cruise movie Minority Report. Twenty years later,
we're due for a major upgrade. The Department of Parks and Recreation
has awarded the funds to rebuild the park, with construction beginning
this coming spring. DPR held a community meeting to get feedback on
the proposals and Capitol Hill Corner has a great write-up you can
check out if you're looking for more information.
Making Voting in the District Even Better
The District is already a leading jurisdiction when it comes
to making voter registration and voting easy and accessible for our
residents, and I’m proud to have lead many improvements, from
automatic voter registration to public financing for campaigns to
permanent mail-in ballots and more.
This week, the Judiciary Committee voted to approve a
bill that would improve the District’s current
automatic voter registration system, building off best practices
learned elsewhere. Voter registration laws have long served to prevent
people from voting, particularly people from marginalized communities.
Automatic voter registration (AVR) is an impactful way to reduce
barriers created by voter registration, which is why I introduced the
legislation that created the District’s first AVR in 2015. The bill
passed by the Committee this week builds upon that legislation, and
converts our AVR from what is known as a “front-end” opt-out system to
a “back-end” opt-out system. Unlike in front-end AVR, where a person
is given the opportunity to opt-out of registering to vote during the
agency transaction, in back-end AVR, a person’s registration
information is sent to the Board of Elections automatically, and the
person can opt-out after the agency
This might seem like a small shift, but elections experts
agree that back-end AVR increases voter registration, diversifies the
electorate, and enhances voter roll accuracy and election security.
For example, Colorado transitioned from front-end to back-end AVR in
2019, and a
recent study found that it increased registration
rates significantly. Under the bill, residents who interact with the
DMV and the Department of Health Care Finance would be placed on a
“preapproved for registration list” if deemed eligible by the Board of
Elections. Within 14 days, residents placed on the list are sent a
mailer by BOE, providing instructions on how to “activate” their voter
registration (i.e., move their names to the voter roll), opt-out and
remove themselves from the list, or affiliate with a political party,
if desired. In order to activate their registration, residents on the
preapproved for registration list can simply show up at the polls on
Election Day or mail back a mail-in ballot — it is as easy as that.
I’m excited for this bill to move forward to the full Council, and I
am confident it will continue our work to increase access to democracy
for all District residents. Read this write-up in
Bolts Magazine.
Residential Parking Proposal Update
In my last newsletter, I told you about a proposal
to change residential parking zones from the Ward-level to ANC-level
maps for reference). The bill received a
Transportation Committee hearing last week, which you can watch
here or read
about in DCist. As I stated in the last newsletter, I
believe we do need to rethink how we structure residential parking,
but I don’t support this bill as written. I’m concerned about tying
parking to political boundaries that change every ten years.
Additionally, RPP is supposed to be based on your neighborhood, and
ANCs don’t necessarily align with the way neighborhoods are defined.
I’m looking forward to continuing this important conversation about
parking in our city and welcome thoughts or suggestions from
Dispose of Your Pumpkins for Composting!
If you carved some jack-o-lanterns for Halloween this year,
remember to dispose of them for composting. You can drop pumpkins off
at any of the nine
food waste collection sites across the District. Ward
6 sites are Eastern Market in front of Rumsey Pool and the SW Farmers
Market (425 M St. SW). Please note that pumpkins with paint, glitter
or other inorganic matter cannot be
And remember that you can drop off other food waste for
composting at these
sites every weekend!
COVID Booster and Flu Shot Reminders
Although the weather has been quite pleasant lately, the
temps will be dropping soon as we approach winter, so remember to get
your flu shots and COVID boosters if you haven’t already!
You can get COVID boosters at DC
Health COVID Centers and flu shots at COVID centers,
pharmacies, and your regular
Rubell Museum Opening
You may have heard that DC has a new
contemporary art museum, located in Ward 6! The
Rubell Museum, housed in the former Randall Junior
High School building in Southwest, opened last week. My team was on
hand to check it out and help welcome DC residents to the new cultural
destination. It has a great collection of over 7,400 works of art
including paintings, sculptures, photography, video art, and
site-specific work from artists from all over the world. In addition
to the galleries, the museum will also have public programming,
flexible activation spaces, a bookstore, and a café with both indoor
and outdoor dining. And best of all — admission is free for DC
Check out this interesting write
up about the museum and the Rubell family in the New
York Times.
Related: DC History Center Randall School
History Project
The DC History Center is working on a project to gather,
preserve, and share the history of Randall Junior High School, which
was open from 1906 until 1978 and boasts Marvin Gaye as a graduate.
The school was in the building now occupied by the Rubell Museum. The
DC History Center is calling on anyone who attended, worked at, or
lived near the Randall School when it was open to share their stories.
can submit your stories here. The stories will
culminate in an exhibit to be displayed at the Rubell Museum. There is
an upcoming community meeting about the project at the Southwest
Library (900 Wesley Place SW) on Wednesday November 16
from 6-7:30pm.
Leaf Collection Beginning and Street Sweeping Season

Reminder, the Department of Public Works (DPW) has
shared their schedule for upcoming leaf
collection this fall and winter, stating they will provide leaf
collection service from November 7, 2022 (that's Monday) through
January 28, 2023. You can see the schedule and map for Ward 6 leaf
collection in this graphic and on the leaf
collection website.
Additionally, the parking restrictions for street sweeping
are lifted for the season. Street sweeping takes place March 1 through
October 31, so just remember when it starts up again in the
Related: You can also
receive custom alerts about street sweeping, towing and booting, and
leaf collection though the MyDPW
Free Weatherization Tools from the Public Service
Winter is coming folks! And you’ll notice pretty quickly in
your heating bill if your house isn’t weatherized properly. The good
news? The Public Service Commission is providing free
weatherization tools through Winter
Ready DC. Between November 5 and December 20, you can
go to participating libraries around the city to receive a free
weatherization item and talk to Commission staff about how to save
energy and money this winter. The Commission can also provide
information on utility discount programs for eligible consumers and
preparing for weather-related events. Trust me, a little time and
effort toward this can make a big difference in your monthly bills
over the winter.
Town Hall with Congresswoman Norton and the National
Park Service
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton is hosting a Town Hall
Meeting on with representatives from the National Park Service to
provide updates and address questions, comments, and concerns
regarding federal park lands and other issues under NPS jurisdiction
in the District. Link
to register and details
Who: All DC
What: Town Hall Meeting with the
National Park Service
When: Wednesday, November 16th,
2022, 6-7:30pm
Where: Zoom (Link: https://ushr.zoomgov.com/j/1603789012)
Related: While not in
Ward 6, you may have heard that the National
Park Service has decided to keep Rock Creek Park’s
Beach Drive close year-round. This is great news for bike and
pedestrian safety in Rock Creek and will allow hikers and bikers to
fully enjoy the park’s nature without worrying about traffic and
vehicle conflict.
ONSE Pathways Program Ceremony
On Friday I was honored to speak at the promotion ceremony
for Cohort 11 of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement’s
(ONSE) Pathways
Program. Pathways is a transitional employment
program, focused on teaching participants professional, educational,
and life skills, as well as wrap-around supports, in order to decrease
their risk of involvement with the criminal justice system. Pathways
is a great example of the quiet, ongoing work happening every day to
make our community safer by working with at-risk folks to give them an
alternative. These promotion ceremonies are so special to the
participants, their families, and the ONSE staff and recognize the
accomplishments of the young men who have participated.
Congratulations to Cohort 11, your city is so proud of you and we know
you’ll do great things!
Progress on Pennsylvania Avenue Bus Lanes, Florida
Avenue Streetscape
Two major projects in different parts of Ward 6 are finally
underway. First, DDOT’s Bus
Priority Project is installing bus lanes stretching
from 13th St. SE to
2nd St. SE
to improve bus speed and reliability by creating
bus-only lanes, among other changes. Crews just painted a
car-free bus lane this week on Pennsylvania Ave SE.
You can check out the other Ward
6 projects here. I’m excited about these changes and
hope we can continue to push for ways to improve bus service and
reliability in the District (including through the Metrobus investment
part of Metro
For DC).
Second, for my neighbors in NE living near Florida Avenue,
DDOT is also getting underway with a permanent installation of the streetscape
project I helped lead a few years ago.
Related: If you’re Passionate about
Transportation, Apply to Join the Transportation Planning Board.
Applications are open for the Transportation Planning Board’s
Community Advisory Committee (CAC). TPB is our regional transportation
planning body, housed in the Metropolitan Washington Council of
Governments. The CAC is the TPB's long standing citizen-oriented
committee whose mission is to promote public involvement in
transportation planning for the region, to advance equitable
representation in regional transportation planning, and to provide
independent, region-oriented community advice to the TPB on
transportation plans and issues. More information here: www.mwcog.org/cac
Safeway Feast of Sharing

On Wednesday, November 23, Safeway’s Thanksgiving Feast of
Sharing in partnership with Events DC is back in person for the first
time since the pandemic! Instead of the usual sit-down dinner, this
years’ feast will be a grab-and-go meal box with a Thanksgiving lunch,
as well as a gift bag of winter clothes and other items. There will
also be live music, special guests, and a COVID and flu vaccine
clinic. Doors open at 10am for seniors and 11am for general
Electric Shuttles Coming to the Wharf
There will soon be a new way to get around the Wharf and
Southwest waterfront! An on-demand electric
shuttle service will be launching next spring. The
shuttles are operated by Circuit,
and are part of the Mayor’s Mobility Innovation District project in
partnership with the Southwest BID to improve transportation access in
Southwest. The rides will be a $2 flat fee for most, while some
residents will receive free rides subsidized by the city. This is
great timing given the grand opening of phase two of the Wharf. I’m
hopeful it will also improve mobility an area that has been a traffic
nightmare. I’ve heard from folks frustrated with the congestion on
Maine Avenue, and driving to the Wharf is both inconvenient because of
traffic, and costly to park. The new electric shuttles, in addition to
existing free Southwest
shuttle, Circulator, and bus routes in the area will
hopefully make the Wharf and Southwest a more pedestrian and bike
friendly neighborhood that is both easier to get to and
DOEE Water Assistance Program
If you’ve fallen behind on your water bill payments, you may
qualify for the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC)
Residential Relief Program which provides a percentage off of a
household’s total monthly water fees. See
here for more information like income limits,
eligibility, and application details.
Does a New Owner Mean We Should Build an NFL Stadium at
RFK? No.
Look, I’m as excited as nearly everyone not named Dan Snyder
to hear that Dan Snyder is exploring selling the Washington
Commanders. The franchise has been plagued with problems under his
ownership, and new leadership is sorely needed to improve the
Commanders organization both on and off the field. And naturally, as
soon as the news broke, plenty of folks started wondering what this
means for the future of the 160-acre campus that has been sitting
vacant. However, I remain committed in my opposition to building a new
stadium at the RFK site. The District needs that land for more
affordable housing, public parks, jobs, and community spaces, not a
massive NFL stadium that will only be used 10 to 20 days a year. I
hope eventually the city can come to an agreement soon to get the land
back from the federal government and work towards creating thriving
community spaces.
Related: In the
meantime, the RFK stadium demolition plans are still moving forward,
with demolition scheduled to be complete by the end of 2023. As part
of Events DC’s “Farewell
to RFK Stadium,” they are selling
old turnstiles and stadium seats. Part of the
proceeds will go the The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington and
St. Coletta of Greater Washington. You can both own a piece of DC
history and contribute to a good cause!
Thanks for reading along this week! As always, feel free to reach
out to me or my team with any questions, concerns, or thoughts. I'm
looking forward to more important legislative work on the Council and
of course, more exciting fall events throughout Ward 6!
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen