Did you see this poll, John? The polls close in less than 72 hours, and Keith is trailing his anti-choice hedge fund lawyer opponent by SEVEN POINTS:

Did you see this poll, John? The polls close in less than 72 hours, and Keith is trailing his anti-choice hedge fund lawyer opponent by SEVEN POINTS:


Keith Ellison: 42%
Jim Schultz: 49%
Undecided: 9%

KSTP/SurveyUSA Polling

It’s scary, but here’s the good news: 9% of voters remain undecided, and we know we have the winning message once we cut through the noise and racist attack ads.

John, we still haven’t reached our budget target for the $100,000 emergency ad buy we made to highlight Keith’s work over the past four years helping people afford their lives and live with safety, dignity, and respect as Minnesota’s Attorney General.

We have no time to waste reaching these undecided voters. Please rush a donation that works for you by 11:59 pm so we can keep fighting back and win on November 8.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Team Keith



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States