Raphael Warnock
is going to let our daughters lose. He turned his back on US.
Raphael Warnock voted to allow biological men to compete in women's
college sports.
John – voters in Georgia need to know how Raphael Warnock has abandoned women, so we launched this new ad.
Biological men don't belong in women's sports. It belittles the work, dedication, and sacrifices female athletes have made to be the best in their
field, but Raphael Warnock doesn't care.
John, this is one of our strongest ads. It clearly shows the difference between Raphael Warnock and me.
I will stand up to the WOKE agenda in Washington. Raphael Warnock will not.
If you think this ad is as strong as I do, John, I hope you'll do two things:
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Herschel believes that America is at a crossroads, and he refuses to sit on the sidelines while national leaders take our country down the wrong path.
Herschel Walker is a kid from a small town in Georgia who has lived the American Dream, and now he is running as a Republican for the United States
Senate to keep that dream alive for everyone.
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