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The Democrats Are Screwing Themselves Over, And I Don't Understand Why

Kurt Schlichter

A Thank You to Our VIPs

Katie Pavlich

The Pandemic Tyrants Don't Deserve Forgiveness

Katie Pavlich

Thank God For These Horrible Democrats

Derek Hunter

Network Vacancies Arrive as Journos Fret Over Twitter Firings

Brad Slager

Stacey Abrams Is Wrong For Georgia and America!

Ken Blackwell

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 138: What the Bible Says About Tax Collectors

Myra Kahn Adams

Two Things Scare Me About the Midterms

Mark Lewis

A Disgrace to the Historical Profession

Mark Lewis

Tudor Dixon Rips Colbert Over His So-Called Apology

Leah Barkoukis

New Poll Shows Wisconsin’s Gubernatorial Race Is a ‘Toss-Up’

Madeline Leesman

Another Sign Blake Masters Can Pull This Off? Obama Seems Afraid of Him

Rebecca Downs

FL State Legislator Cries Disinformation After Her Tweets Are Used Against Her

Julio Rosas

Republicans Take the Lead In Arizona, Just Days Away From the Midterm Elections

Sarah Arnold

Panicked Hochul Changes Her Tune On Republicans As New Yorkers Blame Her For Crime Problem

Sarah Arnold

KJP Claims Biden's Exact Words on Coal Are Being 'Twisted'

Katie Pavlich

Senate Legislative Agenda for 2023 – Stop Bad Things

Brian Darling

Veterans Day and the Midterm Elections

Scott Powell

How The Left Obliterates Morality

Scott Hogenson

Voting Is Like Putting a Wedge in the Door So the Church Can Do Its Work

Michael Brown

Hey Joe, Demanding Fair and Legitimate Elections Is the Most American Thing to Do

D.W. Wilber

On Election Day Eve, Hispanics Provide Hope for America

Gonzalo Schwarz

Maybe This Time It's True

Alan Joseph Bauer

The Big Con: How the American Public Is Being Bamboozled by Joe Biden and the Democrats

Ed Brodow

Michael Rubin’s MEK-phobia Serves Iran’s Tyrants

Ali Safavi

Muhammad Ali Danced Like A Butterfly, Herschel Walker Bowled Over the Critics

Greg Ganske

Democrats' Obsession With Trump Won't Win Them Votes

Sarah Arnold

Last Poll Out of Ohio Shows J.D. Vance Has This in the Bag Against Desperate Tim Ryan

Rebecca Downs

Manchin Unleashes on Biden Over 'Disgusting' Pledge to End Coal

Katie Pavlich

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Guilty as charged: California sheriff convicted in concealed carry corruption case |
Iowa City passes referendum opposing proposed amendment |
Poll shows opposition to Oregon's Measure 114 now ahead of support |
This is how you know the gun control crowd is in trouble |
Wisconsin man pulls gun on trick-or-treaters |
Gun control activists aren't swaying voters, and this argument is one reason why |