I appreciate your coming to my website and signing up.  Every time someone casts a vote, they are making a statement.  If you (or your friends) vote for me, you're making this statement:
"I don't want career politicians to poison the atmosphere in Congress any longer.  I want term limits on Congress."
I've stepped up so that when you vote for Congress in Wisconsin's
2nd district, you have a choice to make that statement, instead of:
"I'm voting for ---- party even though they never get anything accomplished, even when they are in power."
If you have not gone to my website recently, there is a lot more content on it.  There is a zoom skit that gives a vision of how healthy the dynamic could be in Congress if we did have term limits.  There is also a new "issues" menu where you can read my position on many other issues besides term limits.  Whether you agree with me or not, at least I'm talking about real issues, unlike a typical candidate that only bashes the other candidates. 
If you like what you see, will you please forward this to your friends and family?   They might like checking out an independent who is positive, and treats them intelligently.
Thank you.  Let's all make a clear statement on Tuesday!
PS. I'll be up front with you, while this campaign has been fun meeting people very supportive of my campaign, logistics have been challenging, and due to a mix up with my website I only received the list of your emails today.  I apologize for not seeking you out sooner.
xxxxxx Alexander, candidate for WI 2nd Congressional district*
Term Limits on Congress
PO Box 258017, Madison, WI  53725
*WI 2nd district consists of six counties: Dane, Sauk, Iowa, Lafayette, Green, and Rock (sans Milton & Janesville)
Folks: like most regular citizens, I have little money to put towards this campaign. But word of mouth is better than money: if you like what I stand for, will you please ask your friends: "Have you heard of xxxxxx Alexander?"  If you ask one person a day until Nov. 8, you could be part of something significant!