From Maggie Hassan <[email protected]>
Subject if you only read one email today, it should be this one (important race update)
Date November 6, 2022 2:32 AM
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I've got good news and bad news, John.

I'll start with the bad news first: Two new polls released this week show me trailing my election-denying opponent by one point. On top of that, Politico just downgraded our chances of winning – we’re now a toss-up.

This comes after a surge of last-minute attacks from far-right GOP groups, including a massive new $3 million ad buy. 

With 3 days left until the election, we're rapidly running out of time to turn this race around. 

But here's the good news – we can still pull ahead and win, but only if you act now. Thanks to a group of generous supporters, all donations up to $50,000 are being matched. So please, rush any amount right now to double your impact on this critical race.

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From reproductive rights to our very democracy – the stakes of this race are too high to sit this election out – we can't wake up on November 9th wishing we had done more. 

But Republicans are outspending us on the airwaves 2:1 in the final few days of this race. So we can't take our foot off the gas now. Please, if you can, chip in $3 or whatever you can before it's too late – it will be doubled!

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With every good wish, 
Maggie Hassan


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