I wanted to make sure you saw this powerful note AG Ford sent you yesterday. I know it’s a busy time and email inboxes are crowded with Election Day coming up, but I know you wouldn’t want to miss this one.
Take a second to read Aaron’s full message, and if it compels you, please consider pitching in to power our work in the critical 72 hours before Election Day:
Now’s the time to leave it all on the field. Thanks,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Aaron Ford <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2022
Subject: What would you do?

I have a question for you, john:
What would you do if I told you that this election could come down to just a few thousand votes — and it will take this entire team coming together for the last few days to ensure my re-election?
Would you chip in $10 — if you knew it would help my team spread my message far and wide through digital and television ads to undecided voters around the state?
Would you chip in $10 — if you knew it would support organizers and volunteers as they help as many Nevadans as possible make a plan to vote over the next four days?
Would you chip in $10 — if you knew that the Republican nominee wants to criminalize abortion and lock up women who seek out the procedure, and is so extreme that over a dozen members of her own party chose to endorse me instead?
john, we still have time to do everything we can to win this election. But only if each and every one of you reading this email has my back in these final days.
So, knowing what you know today, will you pitch in any amount to keep me in office and defeat right-wing extremism before it’s too late? I’m counting on you.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Best regards,
Aaron Ford