Hi there, 
Tonight at midnight, we’ll face one of the most important deadlines of the year. But first, I want to explain what your support has meant to me.
From the very beginning, it was people like you who believed in me and helped grow this movement to what it is today.
Thanks to you, we made sure issues brought up at kitchen tables and town halls in Massachusetts were clearly heard in Congress.
And everything we’ve been able to accomplish so far -- from protecting our local environment and securing women’s rights, to fighting for fair wages and so much more -- would never have been possible without the generous outpouring of support I’ve received.
Our work is far from over, and we’ve got plenty more in store for 2020. Fighting for working families across the Third District has been my greatest privilege, and I’ll need your help once more to make sure I can keep advocating for them in Washington.
This is the last time I’ll ask this year, Team. If you’re able, please chip in any amount before our midnight deadline to help us surpass our fundraising goal and stay on track heading into my re-election year. Here’s the best link: secure.actblue.com/Trahan-DecEOQ19
For everything this year, and all your hard work leading up to today -- thank you!
Lori Trahan