John – I’ll be brief, because I know your inbox is flooded.
We’re a little over halfway to our goal for the final GOTV push, and we still need to raise at least another $2,135 to fund our final round of texting and phonebanking.
If we finish raising those funds today, we can focus exclusively on getting out the vote in these final HOURS before Election Day.
Only about a quarter of eligible voters have cast their ballots, which means this vote is going to be decided on Election Day and there is still time for us to sway people on the fence.
If you haven’t had a chance to contribute yet, your donation today could very well help us mobilize the voters that put us over the top so we can flip this Senate seat! Here’s a link to give:
I’m running so that Idahoans have someone in the Senate who will fight for THEM. I’ll always put my community FIRST when I represent them in the Senate.
But I need you with me now if we’re going to have a shot.
Let’s win this!
- David