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From: Nydia Velázquez
Date: Tues, Dec. 31, 2019
SUBJ: A New Year's Resolution that you can actually keep

Let me be the first to say Happy New Year (a bit early)! 2020 is going to be the year we take back the Senate and the White House, hold the Democratic majority in the House, and bring progressive change to the American people. Trump moved our country backwards, but it’s time to put real leaders back in the driver’s seat and head towards a brighter future.
But to do that we need your help.
Right now it looks like we're going to fall short of our goal for the year by just over $1000. Before midnight tonight, will you commit to giving just $10 to make sure that doesn't happen?
We know how hard the fight in front of us is, and we know that it will take a unified, people-powered movement to beat Trump. But we also know that our grassroots energy is stronger than anything the dark money donors on the Republican side can throw at us.