Folks --

If you’re looking to make a difference in the most consequential election cycle of our lifetimes, there is no better race to invest in than John Hickenlooper’s campaign for U.S. Senate in Colorado. The latest poll of this race has us ahead. Donate now before tonight’s deadline:

In a few days, we’ll close the books on our fundraising for the year. Once we do, our numbers will become public, and everyone will get to see how strong (or vulnerable) this campaign is.

Right now, our race is a toss-up. John is leading in the polls, and Cory Gardner is ranked as the most vulnerable Republican Senator of 2020.

But if we report weak fundraising numbers, all of that could change.

Mitch McConnell and his buddies are looking for any sign of weakness in our organization. They’re plotting and planning ways to pounce on our race, flood the airwaves with secret money, and tilt the balance in their favor. Don’t let them.

Help us show the GOP just how strong this team is by chipping in $10 or more now. We’re facing our biggest FEC deadline yet, so if you’re waiting for the right moment to give -- the time is now. Donate right here >>

It’s crucial we have enough resources to start this election year off strong. Your donation now could be the difference between making key investments in January or starting the critical first months of the new year playing catch up.

— Team Hick