A newly released video shows one of Mark Kelly’s staffers ADMITTING that the Senator isn’t being honest with Arizonans about his agenda. Unfortunately, this is par for the course when it comes to D.C. politicians.
The only plausible reason why any candidate wouldn’t be transparent with their constituents is if they KNEW that they don’t represent their state's values.
Mark Kelly fits that description. He has stood idly by as the crisis on our southern border rages. He has voted in lockstep with Joe Biden’s economic agenda, causing inflation to explode and prices to soar. He has supported hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to come after you.
Arizona deserves better, and Mark Kelly has got to go.
This is further evidence that we need to elect Blake, an America First outsider, to represent us in the Senate.
Can you chip into our America First campaign? Your support could make all the difference in making sure Mark Kelly doesn't get the chance to disrespect Arizonans ever again.
Paid for by Blake Masters for Senate.
4455 E Camelback Road Suite D-280 Phoenix, AZ 85018
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