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Dear Jack,

Listen to one of Mississippi’s leading rappers, Topher, explain how he became a conservative. 

Mississippi Rapper and TikTok Influencer Topher sits down with Douglas Carswell to discuss the American Dream and conservative politics in the United States.
Many young Americans are invited to think of themselves as victims. That’s nonsense says Topher. 
Topher, who lives in Montgomery County and has millions of viewers on TikTok, explains why he believes America is a land of opportunity for people of every race and background. 
Topher shared his concerns about the Black Lives Matter movement. Where, we discussed, is their outrage over the high homicide rate in Jackson, Mississippi? 
Topher’s message to young Mississippians is simple; follow these 3 rules to avoid poverty: 
1. Finish high school.
2. Wait until you are married to have kids – preferably after you are 21.
3. Have a job – any job.
Citing research he had come across from the Brookings Institute, Topher suggests that anyone that does those three things is likely to lead a prosperous, fulfilling life – irrespective of race. 
Topher is proud of America, and proud to have served his country in the military. It was while in the military, he explains, that he came to appreciate what it means to be an American. 
I hope you will take a few moments to listen to our chat.


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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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