Election Night Events & St. Louis County Voter's Guide

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Election Night Watch Parties

Eric Schmitt for U.S. Senate
Sheraton Westport - Lakeside Chalet
Versailles Ballroom
191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63146
6:30 - 11:30 p.m.

Mark Mantovani for County Executive
Drury Hotel - Brentwood
8700 Eager Rd, Brentwood, MO 63141
Starts at 6:30 p.m.

George Hruza for State Senate
Helen Fitzgerald's
3650 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63127
Starts at 7:30 p.m.
Looking To Get Involved On Election Day?

The Hruza Campaign is looking for volunteers to help greet voters at the polls on Election Day. If you are interested in helping they are looking for help at the polls in Creve Coeur, Des Peres, Frontenac, Kirkwood, Ladue, Maryland Heights, Sunset Hills, Fenton and Valley Park. Click Here To Sign Up

They are also looking for GOTV efforts including door knocking and literature drops this weekend and Monday. Email [email protected] if you are interested in helping.
Check Out Our Voter's Guide For The 2022 Midterm Elections

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, voters will head to the polls and cast their votes for candidates running for elected office on the local, state, and federal level. Additionally, there are five statewide questions on the ballot this year. With Election Day rapidly approaching, we wanted to provide you with more information on a few of the issues you’ll see on the ballot. You can visit the St. Louis County Board of Election’s website to view your sample ballot and find your polling place.
2022 Ballot Measures

Amendment 1 proposed by 101st General Assembly (First Regular Session) HCS HJR 35-Griesheimer

Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to:

  • allow the General Assembly to override the current constitutional restrictions of state investments by the state treasurer; and

  • allow state investments in municipal securities possessing one of the top five highest long term ratings or the highest short term rating?

State governmental entities estimate no costs and increased interest revenue of $2 million per year. Local governmental entities estimate no costs and increased interest revenue of at least $34,000 per year.

St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES" on Amendment 1

Amendment 3 proposed by Initiative Petition
Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to:

  • remove state prohibitions on purchasing, possessing, consuming, using, delivering, manufacturing, and selling marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of twenty-one;

  • require a registration card for personal cultivation with prescribed limits;

  • allow persons with certain marijuana-related non-violent offenses to petition for release from incarceration or parole and probation and have records expunged;

  • establish a lottery selection process to award licenses and certificates;

  • issue equally distributed licenses to each congressional district; and

  • impose a six percent tax on the retail price of marijuana to benefit

    various programs?

State governmental entities estimate initial costs of $3.1 million, initial revenues of at least $7.9 million, annual costs of $5.5 million, and annual revenues of at least $40.8 million. Local governments are estimated to have annual costs of at least $35,000 and annual revenues of at least $13.8 million.

St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" on Amendment 3

Amendment 4 proposed by 101st General Assembly (Second Regular Session) SS2 SJR 38-Luetkemeyer

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to authorize laws, passed before December 31, 2026, that increase minimum funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners to ensure such police force has additional resources to serve its communities?

State and local governmental entities estimate no additional costs or savings related to this proposal.

St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES" on Amendment 3


Amendment 5 proposed by 101st General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR 116 - Schnelting

Shall the Missouri National Guard currently under the Missouri Department of Public Safety be its own department, known as the Missouri Department of the National Guard, which shall be required to protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of Missourians?

State governmental entities estimate no savings and ongoing costs of $132,000 annually. Local governmental entities estimate no costs or savings.

St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES" on Amendment 5

Shall there be a convention to revise and amend the Constitution?

A “yes” vote will require the governor to call an election of delegates to serve at a convention for the purpose of revising or amending the Missouri Constitution. Any revisions or amendments will then be put to a vote of the people for their

A “no” vote will mean no constitutional convention will be held. If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" on Amendment 5

You will also be asked if you would like to retain justices on various courts. Below is a list of those judges and the year they were first appointed to that position.

Missouri Supreme Court
Judge Zel M. Fischer, appointed in 2008 by Gov. Matt Blunt
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Robin Ransom, appointed in 2021 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"
Missouri Court of Appeals – Eastern District

Judge Kelly C. Broniec, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Thomas C. Clark II, appointed in 2021 by Gov. Mike Parson.
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Michael E. Gardner, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge John P. Torbitzky, appointed in 2021 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"
21st Judicial Circuit Court
Judge Jason D. Dodson, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" 

Judge Ellen Sue Levy, appointed in 2008 by Gov. Matt Blunt
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Bill Corrigan, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Thomas C. Albus, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

21st Judicial Circuit Court – Associates
Judge Julia Pusateri Lasater, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Amanda B. McNelley, appointed in 2019 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Joseph Green, appointed in 2016 by Gov. Jay Nixon
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" 

Judge Jeffrey P. Medler, appointed in 2020 by Gov. Mike Parson
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge John (JB) Lasater, appointed in 2017 by Gov. Eric Greitens
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "YES"

Judge Ellen W. Dunne, appointed in 2016 by Gov. Jay Nixon
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" 

Judge Mondonna L. Ghasedi, appointed in 2016 by Gov. Jay Nixon
St. Louis Young Republicans recommends "NO" 

Be sure to get out and vote on November 8th!

Upcoming Events 


Membership is available to those ages 18 through 40. Annual membership dues are $30 per individual or $50 for a Legacy membership (if older than 40) and it runs through each calendar year.

All members get first access to the latest information on the group and invites to exclusive member only events! Join by filling out the form below. If you would like to support the St. Louis Young Republicans by making a contribution, click here!


Frank Catanzaro 

Vice President 
Jamey Murphy

Adam Bohn​

Erika Bone

Bobby Onder

Community Outreach
Danielle Finley

Digital Outreach
Jake Burrola

Nick Perryman

Digital Communications
Kristofer Long
Copyright © 2022 St. Louis Young Republicans, All rights reserved.
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