
Dear Friends,

Don’t forget, Election Day for the 2022 midterm is this November 8th! However, tomorrow, Saturday, November 5th is the last day for early voting. 

You can find your registration information, voting location, and sample ballot on the New Mexico Secretary of State’s website HERE. The website also allows you to check the status of your ballot. 

You can also register to vote on Election Day. More information about voting is available on the New Mexico Voter Information Portal HERE.

Around the District

This week I was honored to meet Thomas H. Begay, one of three surviving Navajo Code Talkers. He shared his story and wisdom with us at the Mesalands forum in celebration of Native American Heritage Month, which is now in November!

I was pleased to present him with a Congressional Record and a flag flown over our Capitol to commend his service and give him the recognition he deserves.


I’m excited to announce that Abiquiú Elementary and the surrounding community received a grant of $24 million to bring high-speed broadband to thousands of people in Rio Arriba County. The services this funding will connect households, businesses, educational facilities, and farms to the internet and opportunities. This week I met with the Kit Carson Electric Cooperative and USDA teams to discuss the expansion plans. 


I also heard from some of our youngest constituents this week. It was such a joy meeting the students at Ramirez Thomas Elementary! I’m always inspired by the young minds of today, and I know they will create a bright future for our whole state. I also appreciate how closely they listened while I read La Llorona!


I want to make sure information is accessible to all of our gente. That’s why I’m so glad we had another great turnout at Mora High School for our second community meeting about the funding available through my Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance Act!


Working for New Mexico 

I came to Congress to lower prescription drug prices, protect and strengthen Social Security, and look after our elders. I’m so grateful I got to visit with seniors at Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center earlier this week to discuss their concerns and hopes for our comunidad. 

We also talked about how the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce prescription costs by: 
  • Empowering Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices;
  • Capping out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 for Medicare beneficiaries, and;
  • Requiring drug manufacturers to pay Medicare rebates if they raise prices faster than the rate of inflation. This is paid for by making the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share in taxes.


I have heard the stories and felt the grief of our community members affected by the fires. I remain committed to helping our beautiful state heal. 

That’s why I signed on to a letter to Secretary Vilsack, to urge him to extend the November 7 application deadline for USDA’s Emergency Conservation and Restoration programs for 90 days. These programs are so important to our recovery from the fires.

Constituent Services

Remember, if you have any problems with a federal agency, my constituent services team may be able to help you. You may reach us at (505) 428-4680.

Make sure to follow @RepTeresaLF! 




Teresa Leger Fernández

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