Dear Supporter,
I wanted to make sure you saw John's important note below. John and I have been working closely together since 2004. I believe that the work of Enough and The Sentry is essential and worthy of our support, which is why John and I are part of the group matching all of your donations.
Until midnight tonight, all donations to the Enough Project and its partner The Sentry will be matched! That means that any gift you give will be DOUBLED, making an even greater impact in helping John and his team create real possibilities for sustainable peace.
Happy New Year,
Don Cheadle
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Prendergast and The Sentry and Enough teams
Date: Tue, Dec 31, 2019
Enough Project
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Dear Supporter,
I've spent my life's work focused on supporting peace and human rights in areas of Africa affected by devastating conflict. This past year, The Sentry and the Enough Project worked to dismantle financial systems that incentivize war over peace, and we have seen significant strides towards changing corrupt systems.
Our strategy-which integrates activism and advocacy with hard-hitting investigations and financial tools of pressure-enables us to follow the dirty money linked to wars and mass atrocities. We uncover and deliver evidence to law enforcement, regulatory bodies, and banks in the US and around the world, exposing and shutting down the thieves of state. As a result of our investigations and reports, we are seeing real pressure applied through concrete measures to bring peace and stability to East and Central Africa:
* The U.S. Treasury Department has placed sanctions on Al-Cardinal and multiple other individuals and entities who have perpetuated conflict in East and Central Africa.
* Several banks have taken punitive action against corrupt individuals and organizations in Congo and elsewhere in the region.
* The Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda was sentenced by the International Criminal Court for the most extensive pillage conviction to date, establishing accountability for trading in conflict minerals.
We've accomplished a great deal over the past year, but there is still a tremendous amount of work ahead. With your help, we can continue to expand our investigations and work to prevent conflict and mass atrocities.
*Until midnight tonight, all donations will be matched, thanks to a group of generous donors. [ [link removed] ]* Support us today, have your gift matched, and help make a difference in the lives of millions of innocent people across Africa. [ [link removed] ]
Thank you for your generosity and compassion throughout the year.
Warm wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year,
John Prendergast
Co-Founder of the Sentry and the Enough Project
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