The following is an op-ed that appeared in America Magazine:As Americans prepare to cast their ballots this Election Day, Californians have a consequential vote to consider: Proposition 1. “Prop. 1” i



The following is an op-ed that appeared in America Magazine:

As Americans prepare to cast their ballots this Election Day, Californians have a consequential vote to consider: Proposition 1. “Prop. 1” is extreme and would remove all restrictions on abortion in California, enshrining access to late-term abortion up until the moment of birth, even if both mother and child are healthy. And it would all be paid for by California tax dollars.

We know from one recent poll that only 14 percent of California voters believe abortion should be legal up to the moment of birth. Yet this is what Prop. 1 politicians in California have dubbed their vision for an “abortion sanctuary” in the state. We, as Catholics, need to redeem what a true sanctuary means—a safe place where every life is cherished and protected. Prop. 1 not only destroys unborn life; it does absolutely nothing to protect the lives of California’s most vulnerable residents.

Prop. 1 is unnecessary. California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the country. If Prop. 1 is defeated, those laws will remain in place. A Prop. 1 win opens the door to abortion at a level that far surpasses what Roe allowed. It would mean some of the most permissive abortion policies in the world. Further, we know other states are looking to California to see how they will proceed with their own abortion policies.

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With only days left until Election Day, and polls showing so much support dropping for Prop. 1, now is the time to tell your family, friends, and neighbors to vote against Prop. 1. This is our chance to stop unrestricted late-term abortion at taxpayer expense. 

Most importantly, VOTE “NO” on Prop. 1. 

Share and set this image as your Profile Picture on Facebook and Instagram!  Download Here 

Every single vote counts, and we can’t secure the defeat of Prop. 1 without each and every person voting!

Message from CCC President Bishop Oscar Cantú on Prop. 1

Other Videos

The Truth About Prop 1

Elizabeth Kirk, Director of the Center for Law & the Human Person, Research Associate, and Lecturer at Catholic University of America, talks about Prop 1, how it will open the door to late-term abortions, and other legal ramifications if it is passed. Watch Here

Very Reverend Lawrence C. D’Anjou - Diocese of Oakland  | English and Spanish 



On July 26, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 6552, the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2022, in a vote of 401 to 20. Three months have passed, but the Senate has failed to act on this bipartisan bill. 

H.R. 6552 would do several things to combat the scourge of human trafficking.

Bishop Mario Dorsonville, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Migration, said in a letter with other Catholic leaders last month, “this legislation is critical for continuing and bolstering our nation’s efforts to eradicate human trafficking and assist human trafficking survivors.”

Stand with survivors of human trafficking by completing this action alert supporting H.R. 6552. 

Click the link below to log in and send your message: 



The USCCB’s Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis has just launched its Heart of the Revival weekly newsletter for ongoing inspiration and information as we journey toward the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress.  You can sign up at this link.




Paid for by California Catholic Conference, Inc.

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“Our communities are also called to go out to the various types of “boundaries” there might be, to offer hope to those stationed on the existential peripheries, who have not yet experienced, or have lost, the strength and the light that comes with meeting Christ.” - Pope Francis


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