Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Midterms: Fight to the Finish | 1 MILLION CALLS & Counting | Oz Pulls Ahead of Fetterman | How to Flip Voters & Senate Seats | 10 New House Progressives? | Ellison vs Hedge Fund Lawyer | Green vs Developers | Corporate Watchdogs in AZ | & MORE!
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IT’S CRUNCH TIME! Tuesday is Election Day, and with razor-thin margins in critical races — it all comes down to
what we do right now. If you’re not knocking doors this weekend, get online and make calls with us!!
We’re at a crossroads between a MAGA takeover and holding onto majorities in Congress so we can keep fighting to deliver for working people and save democracy.
We must defeat the far right, but we also have a chance to flip two Senate seats, elect as many as 10 new allies to the US House, and build out our bench of progressive power in down-ballot seats across the country.
Some of our top races are extremely close, but our work can be the margin of victory for powerful progressive allies like John Fetterman, Mandela Barnes, and Keith Ellison.
The stakes couldn’t be higher, and there’s a real danger that many progressive, independent, and working-class voters will not be motivated to turn out.
That’s why Our Revolution is working overtime to make millions of voter contacts through calls, texts, email, social media, and more as part of our massive targeted GOTV operation.
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On Wednesday, Our Revolution Phonebank Force surpassed our goal of ONE MILLION CALLS in the midterms!
“You really can flip a voter, I’ve done it!” said phone banker David on Wednesday. “In just one night, I got 26 people to commit to voting for Our Revolution candidates.”
THANK YOU to David and all of our callers who are making a difference in critical races across the country!
With the polls this tight, every call and every voter we flip helps tip the balance. Sign up for a phone bank shift today!
ORGANIZER SPOTLIGHT: We want to give a special shout-out to Diane Morgan who has done amazing work leading the Our Revolution Phonebank Force.
“There’s more than one thing on the ballot — reproductive justice, criminal justice, economic justice — every call people make pushes the needle toward justice,” Diane told our call team as we celebrated surpassing our 1 Million Call Goal Wednesday night.
Not only does she provide great support for our volunteers, but Diane is also an incredible organizer and activist who helps lead Our Revolution Ohio and ran our GOTV for Nina Turner! Thank you, Diane!
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“If we have any chance to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1 percent,” Bernie wrote in The Hill, “we must expand the Democratic majority in Congress and push them to represent the needs of the working class, not the billionaire class.”
Under this administration, Bernie and our movement worked hard to get the first steps on climate, student debt, tax fairness, drug price negotiation, and other priorities — but we’re just getting started and have much more work to do.
“Democrats can’t just run on fear,” Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told ABC News. “You’ve got to make the case for what we can accomplish if people come out to vote.”
If we pull off key wins on Tuesday, it could put us within striking distance of the filibuster for a renewed push on top priorities like voting rights, reproductive rights, and the PRO Act.
“If Democrats win, it’ll be in no small part because of the overturning of Roe v Wade,” Joseph told The Independent. “And, if they win on that, they’ve got to deliver on that.”
Democratic majorities would also mean the chance to fight for agenda items like housing, childcare, universal pre-K, paid leave, home healthcare, and more.
Joseph urged Democratic leaders to “speed the priorities that would deliver on things that will help them win” — like improving the standard of living for working-class Americans and expanding labor rights.”
“We have to make the case that an expanded Senate majority will mean we pass a higher minimum wage, lower drug costs, and more aggressive climate protection,” he said.
Chip in now to help fund the direct voter outreach that can be the margin of victory in key swing states!
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That’s right — we could add as many as TEN new progressive House members on Tuesday! “We’ll have a historic number of progressives, true progressives, in Congress,” Our Revolution-endorsed Greg Casar told In These Times.
Imagine what we could accomplish by electing: Delia Ramirez (IL-3), Maxwell Frost (FL-10), Summer Lee (PA-12), Andrea Salinas (OR-6), Jasmine Crockett (TX-30), Jonathan Jackson (IL-1), Becca Balint (VT), Greg Casar (TX-35), Jamie McLeod-Skinner (OR-5), and Michelle Vallejo (TX-15).
Some of these are very competitive races, but winning these seats would prevent a Republican majority and vastly grow the power of our progressive voting bloc in the House.
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Exciting news — Our Revolution is joining Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia this weekend!
After stops in NV, WI, OR, CA, TX, and MI, we’re rounding out Bernie’s GOTV Tour with major rallies and canvassing events in Pennsylvania.
Starting at 10 am Saturday, Bernie will launch a canvass for Summer Lee. We’ll knock on doors through the City of Pittsburgh, and make our way to the rally on the Pitt campus at noon.
At noon on Sunday, join us in Philadelphia for a fun day of knocking on doors for Fetterman, then we’ll grab a bite to eat and head over to the Bernie Philly rally at 5:30 pm.
The rallies will feature live music, free swag, celebrity appearances, and great speakers — you don’t want to miss this!
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LET'S GO! Join us in our last MASSIVE phone bank push to flip Senate seats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Our Revolution phone banker Carol told us she spoke to one PA voter this week who felt that “Democrats don’t have our back” and care more about spending money on wars abroad than our economic needs here.
“I told her a vote for John Fetterman will send a progressive to the Senate to stand with Bernie against the establishment — and she said she’ll vote!” Carol was thrilled to report.
Another call team member, Diane, spoke to a Wisconsin woman who was just sick and tired of politics and wasn’t going to vote.
“We connected as mothers and talked about what the rollback of abortion rights means for our daughters,” Diane said. “I got her to commit to voting for Mandela Barnes because he’ll fight for her child and mine.”
This is the kind of difference you can make by joining a phone bank shift with Our Revolution. Help us make another 100,000 calls for John Fetterman and Mandela Barnes in this final weekend!
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Despite a massive right-wing misinformation campaign, grassroots organizing and direct voter outreach have kept it within reach for us to flip two Senate seats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
But, Dr. Oz has pulled ahead of John Fetterman and Ron Johnson has an edge over Mandela Barnes, which means we must leave it all on the field over the next few days to turn out every voter possible in these key swing states!
We know that if we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone, text, mail, social media, ads, and groundwork — we can boost turnout by 11 percent. This could be the decisive factor in races across the country, but we can’t do it without you!
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Minnesota AG Keith Ellison is in a fight for re-election against hedge fund lawyer Jim Schultz, who wants to ban abortion and let corporate criminals off the hook.
Keith helped lead the team that convicted Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd — and now the far right is coming after him for it.
While Keith fights price gougers, Schultz’s hedge fund employer made $2.6B as a pandemic profiteer. While Schultz wants to gut consumer protections, Keith has won more than $300M for Minnesotans by holding Big Pharma accountable for the opioid crisis.
Phonebanker Amanda told us of a conversation she had this week with a GOP voter in Minnesota who was on the fence.
“We talked about how Keith is the People’s Lawyer and taking on Big Ag and Big Pharma,” Amanda said. “The voter agreed we need bust-up corporate monopolies, and Keith’s track record earned her vote!”
This is a priority race, and we need all hands on deck! Will you join Amanda to make calls in these last few days of the campaign?
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We are proud to support Megan Green — a former Bernie delegate — in her grassroots campaign for President of the St. Louis Board of Alderman.
On the board, Megan helped pass a $15 min wage while her opponent Jack Coatar voted against it. She supports hotel workers in their union efforts, while Coatar takes money from their anti-union bosses.
“We have to put an end to the corruption that has had a stranglehold on city government,” Megan told us. “We need a city government that is responsive to the needs of the community.”
This race will empower our growing progressive bloc in St. Louis. Help us get the message to voters that Megan will fight for housing justice, good union jobs, strong neighborhoods, and more.
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In Arizona, we can put climate champions Sandra Kennedy and Lauren Kuby on the powerful Corporation Commission to regulate utility monopolies, snuff out corruption, and lower energy prices.
The electric utility APS spent $10M to defeat Sandra Kennedy in 2014 and raise utility prices, but she came back to beat them in 2018. Now we must beset them again and elect Lauren Kuby to join her.
We can’t let corporations handpick their own regulators! This is a chance to make Arizona a leader in the renewable energy future.
“The choice is clear,” Kuby wrote in AZ Central. “We will ensure a clean energy future. Our Republican opponents will not.”
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As Election Day nears, OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told The Hill: “the closing argument has to be about what matters to the electorate. The No. 1 thing people are concerned about is whether they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.”
President Biden gave a speech this week on the 'Struggle for Democracy,’ urging Americans to vote like their republic depends on it — because it does. But, democracy means more than voters going to the polls.
“I think he’s missing the opportunity to talk about the real threat to democracy, which is people’s deteriorating standard of living,” Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Semafor.
“There has been an ongoing battle to win the working class since 2016,” Joseph told the New Yorker.
We must win these races, yes, but we must also win back people’s faith in democracy. That means ramping up pressure on those we elect to fix our rigged economy, root out corruption, and deliver for people’s lives.
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Workers are sick and tired of starvation wages — and we need YOU to help us fight back!
Our Revolution and One Fair Wage are partnering up to pass ballot initiatives to raise the minimum wage and end sub-minimum wages for workers in Ohio and Arizona!
Join our first-ever organizing fellowship and you could earn money while getting trained! Sign up to help collect petition signatures on Monday and Tuesday at polling locations in cities across Ohio and Arizona.
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If we hope to combat the growing inequality between the elites and everyday Americans, we must start by giving people a chance to build wealth through homeownership.
And that means putting an end to Wall Street’s real estate grab — and that’s why US Rep. Ro Khanna is introducing the Stop Wall Street Landlords Act of 2022.
The bill would cut off federal housing loans for private equity firms to buy single-family residential homes and use the tax savings to establish neighborhood homes tax credits to offset the cost of constructing or rehabilitating owner-occupied homes.
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Progressive Mandela Barnes can take out far-right Senator Ron Johnson in Wisconsin — with our help! He’s in a tough race, but we have a path to victory and can flip this key seat.
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Dr. Oz is closing the gap and we can’t let him win! We need YOU to make calls for John Fetterman — let’s make sure we flip this senate seat and send a powerful ally to Washington.
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We must marshal our resources NOW to execute our strategy all the way through Election Day. When we connect with each voter 4 times — by phone, text, mail, social media, and door-knocking — we can boost turnout by 11 percent and make a decisive difference in tight races.
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Early voting is open and we have a battle on our hands to re-elect Keith Ellison as Minnesota AG, where he’s up against a hedge fund lawyer who wants to criminalize abortion and defund all corporate law enforcement.
Keith has taken on corporate price-gouging, wage theft, Big Pharma, and more — and he led the fight to convict Derek Chauvin for the Murder of George Floyd. Let’s make sure he continues his good work as Attorney General.
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Lauren Kuby and Sandra Kennedy are consumer watchdogs and climate champions, who we must help win seats on the little-known but powerful Arizona Corporation Commissioner. Let’s make AZ a leader in renewable energy!
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Megan Green — a 2016 Bernie delegate we helped elect to the St. Louis Board of Alderman last cycle — is up against union busters and big developer money in her run for board president. This is a key seat for a progressives and we can win!
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This primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than 1 MILLION CALLSand we’re making a massive call drive this weekend — join the fun and help make the difference in these super tight races.
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Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5/mo. and get your official membership card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack — $15, get the stickers + a poster — $27, get both + a tote bag — $50, get it ALL + a T-shirt!
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