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Hi Friend,

Two elections – one right before us and one that will be here before you know it.  

I want to update you on No Labels and our insurance policy plan for 2024, but first, let’s have a bit of midterm fun.  

With the Senate majority hanging in the balance, it’s time for you to guess how things will turn out after all the votes are counted after Tuesday.    

Click HERE to make your guess about what the final result will be in the Senate – how many seats will the Democrats and Republicans each control?

The tie breaker for those who get the overall number correct: Whoever is closest to predicting the total votes cast among all candidates for Senate in Ohio as of noon on Friday, November 11.

The winner receives a No Labels goodie bag.  


As for 2024, you all know that No Labels is putting in place a plan to ensure that every American has the option of voting for a problem-solver president and vice president who will bring the country together.  

Fox News, following on the recent David Brooks column, talked to my colleague Ryan Clancy and me for a story explaining more about what we are up to.  

With the midterms soon to be in the rearview mirror, more and more Americans are going to be focused on the choices for 2024. If the major party options turn out to be unpopular, divisive, and the “same old same old,” No Labels is going to be uniquely positioned to provide a fresh, new, bold option that will stand in stark contrast to what’s on offer from the Democrats and Republicans.  

As we continue to put in place this bold idea, you can bet that we will be the target of baseless attacks. 

No one gives up power – including duopoly power – without a fight.  

We will meet negativity with optimism and determination, and we need your help in countering lies with truth, and mean-spirited attacks with principled counterpoints 

Tuesday is going to be fascinating and raucous, I’m sure. But it will also leave the nation’s political system and dynamics pretty close to where they are now. And we all know status quo won’t get it done.  

2024 is going to be a true opportunity for the kind of change away from polarization that we vitally need.  If the major parties don’t lead the way, No Labels will.  

That isn’t a prediction; it’s the truth.  

Margaret White 
Co-executive Director  

No Labels Post-Midterms Member Briefing with Frank Luntz

In the weeks before the midterm elections, there will be no shortage of pundits opining on what they think will happen. But No Labels is most interested in understanding what the results actually mean for our mission of bringing this divided country back together. To help answer that question, acclaimed pollster Dr. Frank I. Luntz will hold a post-election briefing for No Labels members on Thursday, November 10 at 11:00 AM ET, where he’ll discuss the implications of key House, Senate, and gubernatorial races. We hope you can join us.

These Are the Most Bipartisan Politicians

This week the Lugar Center, named for former Indiana Senator Richard Lugar, released its annual rankings of the most bipartisan members of Congress. The Center measures how often each member of Congress introduced legislation that was supported by a member of the other party, or otherwise reached across the aisle to support legislation introduced by a member from the other party.

American Leaders Stand United Against Political Violence

Americans were horrified on last Friday to learn that Paul Pelosi, the 82-year-old husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was brutally assaulted in their San Francisco home by a politically motivated assailant. Said President Biden: “This is despicable. There’s no place in America. There’s too much violence, political violence, too much hatred, too much vitriol.”


Reality Hits Home for a Former Oath Keeper

The Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government militia, played a leading role in instigating the January 6 insurrection on the United States Capitol, and for at least one former member, the reality of the violence of that day is finally sinking in. Graydon Young, a former Oath Keeper who joined thousands of others in storming Congress to disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election results, broke down in tears in court apologizing for his actions.

What Does It Mean To Be a Moderate?

Politicians on the far-left and far-right are more prominent than ever in American political life, but polling from Gallup has shown that more Americans have considered themselves moderate than either liberal or conservative for much of the past three decades. That means millions of Americans aren’t having their voices properly heard in Washington. But what are the moderates saying?

Get your 2022 No Labels Membership card today!

Every donation of $25 or more to No Labels earns a FREE personalized Membership Card and a letter from our CEO and Founder Nancy Jacobson. Donate today and receive your brand new 2022 No Labels Membership Card! 

Join our online social group!

Did you know we have our very own online community where you can connect with No Labels members across the country? Join the No Labels Facebook Ambassador Group today to meet your fellow No Labels supporters and gain exclusive access to content you won't find anywhere else!

We Want To Know What You Think!
This weeks question:

Which party do you think will win the majority of the senate?


1130 Connecticut Ave, N.W., Suite 325 | Washington, DC 20036
202-588-1990 | info@nolabels.org

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