
Let’s Finish Strong!

Hi Friend,

The Election is just 4 days away. With your support, we’ve come so far, but I have to ask… What are you doing today, tomorrow, and Monday? We need your help to increase Stephanie’s lead!

FIRST – Have you voted yet? Tomorrow is the last day to vote early between 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. Click here to learn more about voting early at your local county election board.

SECOND – There is still time to get our message to even more voters across the district. Through targeted social media and digital campaigns, we can target likely voters to ensure we get the turnout we need to win. Can you help by contributing $100, $50 or even $25 to help get Stephanie’s message to voters?

THIRDVolunteer! Elections are won by personally talking to voters about the issues that matter to them. We’re hitting the doors and calling voters the next few days to spread our message and get voters to the polls. Check below for more information on these events!

Every voter called, door knocked, and sign delivered puts Stephanie one step closer to winning this election and ensuring our district has the right leadership it deserves.

Below are ways YOU can make a difference.

Let’s go win this, together!

Matt Blubaugh
Campaign Manager
Bice for Congress