From Stop Amy Coney Barrett <>
Subject Sign the petition: Ethics reform to stop Amy Coney Barrett!
Date November 4, 2022 8:49 PM
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Amy Coney Barrett’s husband is a lawyer specializing in “white-collar
criminal defense, internal investigations, and complex commercial
litigation” whose firm has represented “over 25 Fortune 500 companies.”^1
If one of his clients winds up in a case before the Supreme Court, his
wife, Justice Barrett, could not be trusted to rule fairly.

But Justice Barrett won’t disclose the name of her husband’s law firm.
(It’s SouthBank Legal.) Let alone a list of his clients.

Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts are all
failing to disclose their spouses’ work and recuse themselves when
necessary.^1 It’s time for Congress to step in and tackle corruption on
the Supreme Court.

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition: Pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act,
legislation creating a Code of Ethics for Supreme Court justices and their


We shouldn’t have to guess whether Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Chief
Justice John Roberts are recusing themselves from cases in which their
families have a vested interest. This lack of transparency is

But the case of Justice Clarence Thomas is even worse. We know that
Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, was a key player in the Trump coup
attempt^2 — yet Thomas refuses to recuse himself from cases related to the
2020 election.

Thomas recently shielded Lindsay Graham from testifying before a grand
jury about his involvement in trying to overturn fair election results in
Georgia in Trump’s favor.^3

In January 2021, Clarence Thomas was the only justice who sided with Trump
in a case determining whether the January 6th Committee could access Trump
White House records.^2

And later this term, Thomas could be allowed to rule on a case with
terrifying implications for our democracy: Moore v. Harper. Essentially,
the court will determine whether states can overturn election results and
ignore the will of the people.^4

Congress must pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act,
legislation banning Members of the court from trading individual stocks,
requiring the court to adopt a Code of Ethics, overhauling the recusal
process, and more.

Supreme Court Justices keep proving they won’t act ethically on their own.
It’s time for Congress to force them to do it.

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition: Pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act,
legislation creating a Code of Ethics for Supreme Court justices and their

Thanks for taking action,

Izzi and the team at Demand Progress

[ [link removed] ]DONATE

1. Politico, “Justices shield spouses’ work from potential conflict of
interest disclosures,” [ [link removed] ]September 29, 2022.
2. Washington Post, “Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue
unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show,” [ [link removed] ]March
24, 2022.
3. CNN, “Clarence Thomas freezes order for Lindsey Graham to testify
before Georgia grand jury investigating 2020 election,” [ [link removed] ]October 24,
4. SCOTUS Blog, “Moore v. Harper,” [ [link removed] ]September 21, 2022.

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