Hi John,
This is Robyn from David’s finance team checking in.
We had a great response to our call to action yesterday (David’s message is below in case you missed it).
We are about halfway to our goal for this last big GOTV push, and we still need to raise at least another $3,335 to fund our final push of texting and phonebanking.
If we finish raising the funds before midnight TONIGHT, we can focus exclusively on getting out the vote in these next few days before Election Day.
Only about a quarter of eligible voters have already cast their ballots, which means this vote is going to be decided on Election Day and there is still time for us to sway people on the fence.
Plus, we have a real shot at winning thanks to the independent candidate competing with the incumbent for the MOST conservative voters.
So if you haven’t had a chance to contribute yet, your donation today could very well help us mobilize the voters that put us over the top so we can flip this Senate seat!
Can David count on your support today? Here’s a link to give: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/rothforussenate
Let’s win this!
- Team Roth
-------- Forwarded message -------
From: David Roth <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 2:54 PM
Subject: There are still 150,000 voters we can reach.
John – I’m sure your inbox is overflowing just like mine, so I will keep this brief.
The most important task we have these next five days is getting out the vote.
Many voters wait until the last minute to decide whether or not to vote, and this year it is particularly important that we get every single Democratic voter to the polls. Here’s why:
We have real grassroots momentum behind this campaign, and we have a 3rd candidate in the race – a far-right conservative running as an independent who will split the conservative vote with the GOP incumbent.
That means we have a real shot at winning this race IF Democrats show up in force.
There are still 150,000 voters we need to contact between now and Election Day, and I need to raise another $6,000 by Friday to make that happen. Can you pitch in now to help us reach this time-sensitive goal?