CT-05 is hands-down one of the most competitive seats in the country right now, and all the data is telling us that we are in for the fight of our lives for the next 4 days. The GOP attack ads and super PAC checks are clearly working, and we need YOU to help us fight back as quickly as we can.


Breaking news out of CT-05: A new poll has Jahana down by 1 point!!

Will you rush an urgent donation to keep CT-05 blue and save our House majority? We’ve been telling you for months that this race was going to come down to the margins, and now we have the data to back that up.

WE NEED YOU. We need volunteers. We need people across the country making phone calls from their homes. We need your support to keep our ads live on TV. This election is about turnout. Help us turn out the votes.


CT-05 is hands-down one of the most competitive seats in the country right now, and all the data is telling us that we are in for the fight of our lives for the next 4 days. The GOP attack ads and super PAC checks are clearly working, and we need YOU to help us fight back as quickly as we can.

If we lose this seat, we’re going to lose the House majority and stop all the progress we’ve been making for our communities and families. We can’t risk losing Jahana’s seat to an extremist who will turn back the clock on women’s bodily autonomy or vote to decimate Social Security. We can’t undo all the progress we’ve made.

Will you get involved NOW – by donating, volunteering an hour of your time, however makes sense for you – to keep CT-05 blue and save our House majority?


– Hayes HQ


About Jahana
Jahana Hayes proudly represents Connecticut's 5th Congressional district. Keep up with the latest from Jahana on Facebook and Twitter.

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Paid for by Friends of Jahana Hayes

Friends of Jahana Hayes
P.O. Box 1487
Waterbury, CT 06721
United States