The following letter appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on November 2, 2022:
In response to Greg Bluestein and Patricia Murphy’s recent article “Abortion, crime and voting: A final Abrams-Kemp debate clash,” (Oct. 31), I urge Georgia voters to support Stacey Abrams as the Peach State’s next governor.
We need to elect leaders who know firsthand the real-life impact of the policies they’re backing, and know what it takes to get things done.
That’s why I’m urging you to support Stacey Abrams — a former city attorney, entrepreneur and legislator — in her gubernatorial bid.
Abrams, a pro-choice Democrat with significant leadership experience — in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors — will help Georgia thrive as governor.
Conversely, Brian Kemp is more concerned with using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself and his rich friends than helping working families that are struggling to make ends meet.
The choice is clear: Vote Stacey Abrams for governor on November 8.
Brett Broesder, founding executive director, Democrats Serve, Milford, Conn.