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The government put "extreme pressure" on a primary school to stop giving lessons on LGBT relationships after parents staged weekly protests against them, the
school's chief executive has said.
Muslim parents are reportedly refusing to allow their children to have a nasal flu vaccine after the Muslim Council of Britain said the treatment was not
Police are investigating suspected homophobic abuse after footage of a woman in a niqab shouting "shame on you" at people on a Pride march was shared online.
An opinion piece from the NSS has drawn attention to the fact organisations which carry out medically unnecessary circumcisions can claim charitable status.
A preacher who was halted from expressing his Christian views and driven four miles away by police in London has been awarded a £2,500 payout for wrongful
arrest, according to reports.
Two weeks after 1.5m people celebrated gay rights in London, marchers in the Polish city of Białystok met only rage and violence, with Catholic propaganda
playing a notable role.
As Brighton's new mayor comes under fire for abolishing prayers at council meetings, Stephen Evans argues that Britain's growing indifference to religion
should prompt a rethink of religion's public role.
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