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Remembrance Day
Services will take place across the borough on Sunday 13 November 2022, to remember those who lost their lives in two world wars and more than 70 other conflicts.

The services will involve branches of the Royal British Legion, residents, uniformed services and representatives of all organisations.

Remembrance Day services – full details

Oldham Festival of Remembrance
Date: Friday 11 November
Time: 7-9pm at Queen Elizabeth Hall
Cost: £5 per person, you can pay on the door

Oldham’s 52nd Annual Festival of Remembrance on behalf of the Oldham Liaison of Ex-Service Associations and the Royal British Legion.

A great night of entertainment as well as paying respect to our fallen with a full Muster of all Standards and Act of Remembrance. 

❄️Christmas in Oldham ❄️
The holidays are coming, and we’re thrilled to launch the Christmas period with a spectacular line-up of festive events to begin what promises to be a truly magical season of celebration.

As ever there will also be an incredible selection of food, drink, and the best range of gifts and party fashions from our many retailers, restaurants, and bars.

With everything ‘yule’ need this Christmas on your doorstep, there’s no better place to be at the most wonderful time of year. For more information, visit our Christmas in Oldham webpage
Looking to save money on your family’s food shop?
We’re very aware that the Cost of Living Crisis means the price of food is taking priority over nutritional content, but #WeCanHelp.

We’ve teamed up with Money Saving Rosie who’s an expert on ways to get nutritious food for a family on a budget, we will be sharing all videos via our 'I Love Oldham' Facebook page
Green funding could help improve your community
Applications for round two of the Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund are now open until noon on Friday 27 January 2023.

Following its successful first applications round earlier this year, round two of the £2.6m Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund is now open to applications, seeking community projects that will make a real difference to their local area.

The fund is open to all Greater Manchester residents, making small and large grants available for community groups wanting to create new, accessible spaces or improve existing ones in their local area, particularly where there is currently poor local access to good quality green space.

Projects should improve publicly accessible spaces through physical improvements to make them better places for nature and people. These projects could take place in parks, community gardens, streets, schools, housing estates, canals, streams, rivers, and existing nature reserves.

To make things easier several Green Spaces Fund Advisors are on hand to help with applications and offer support and guidance. 

To find out more about the fund and to apply, please visit the Green Spaces Fund website
We Can Help handbook
A new Cost of Living handbook outlining all the essential contact numbers for residents has been distributed across Oldham.

The We Can Help handbook is a directory of information, including numbers for the Council’s Helpline, Welfare Rights, and Citizens Advice. There is also information about the Warm Banks that have opened across the borough and the Warm Homes scheme if you are struggling amid rising energy bills. Crisis support, help to maximise your income and practical help are also covered.

Additional copies of the handbook will be available in libraries and Access Oldham, and other public-facing spaces across the borough.

If you would like a digital copy of the handbook, then it is also available on the Council’s website: We Can Help handbook
Had your booster yet?
Autumn Covid-19 boosters continue to be made available for residents over the age of 50 as part of a nationwide effort to top up people’s protection against the virus.

Pregnant women, frontline health and social workers, carers and those at ‘high risk’ are also eligible for the booster.

As the latest infection figures in the UK continue to rise, it’s important we continue to get the protection we need against the virus in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

For more information on how you can book your vaccine, 
please visit our dedicated Coronavirus webpage
Join our Residents’ Panel
As part of our commitment to putting residents first, a new Residents’ Panel has been developed and recruitment to the panel is still underway. 

The Residents’ Panel is just one of the ways we listen to the views of you and our communities and will be made up of ordinary members of the borough who want to help shape Council plans and improve our local area. Could you be the voice of communities that are underrepresented?

Panel members will be regularly consulted via surveys, focus groups, and workshops. Their feedback, experiences, and views will be crucial in helping us deliver high-quality services that meet our residents' needs. 

More information and details on how to sign up can be found on the webpage Oldham Residents' Panel
Donate to Oldham Foodbank
As times get even harder for many households across the borough, thousands are turning to Oldham Foodbank for basic food supplies.

With demand outweighing supply, donations are needed now more than ever before, so all donations are welcome. 

Oldham Foodbank is particularly in need of;
  • Tinned fish
  • UHT Milk
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Tinned carrots
  • Tinned fruit
  • Rice pudding
  • Tea bags
  • Jam
  • Toiletries
  • Baby milk (2)
  • Nappies (4/5/6/7/8)
  • Tinned dog and cat food
You can donate at local supermarkets or by dropping your donations off in person to their Unit B base on the Prince of Wales House Industrial Estate off Vulcan Street in Derker. 

You can find more information about donation points across Oldham here 
Greater Manchester Family Survey (Children under 5)
Children and young people are a key part of the Greater Manchester Strategy’s aims to make the city-region greener, fairer, and more prosperous.
If you live in Greater Manchester and are a parent or carer of someone under 5 years old, then we want to listen to you about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic had on their wellbeing and development.

To help make Greater Manchester a better place for young people, fill in the online consultation today to have your say

The consultation closes on 18 November.
Connect with us on Social Media
Oldham Council is on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. Join our followers and get the latest news, events, alerts from across the borough, business, regeneration, employment opportunities and much more. 
Image credit: <a href="">Shia vector created by starline -</a> 

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Oldham Council · Civic Centre · West Street · Oldham, OL1 1UT · United Kingdom