Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

At OpenSecrets, we value accuracy, transparency and accountability above all else. 

When you visit, you know the information is comprehensive and unbiased, and that our free data, analysis and tools are built to inform and engage citizens so that they may understand the full impact of the money that flows through politics and policy. 

You expect the facts from us, and we promise you nothing less.

One hard fact is that our website and work cannot continue without funding, especially during these critical final months of 2022. 

What we raise now determines the work we are able to produce in the future — quality data and well-researched insights and analysis that you’ve come to expect.

This week, we began our annual NewsMatch campaign, with $20,000 available as a matching gift from a partner supporting our election coverage in key states that may impact the balance of power, and furthering civic engagement. Over 100 individuals have already taken advantage of the match.

Now is a great time to make your gift go further, and know that you will be helping us at a pivotal moment in our year.
Help OpenSecrets Follow the Money
We’ve had to face some tough realities this year. Merging our state and federal data before the election just 4 days away has been a huge lift. Many people are having to make difficult decisions as inflation has created financial uncertainty. 

And no doubt the flood of political emails ( BEGGING for your attention with CAPS LOCK messages and dire premonitions) are exhausting.

So, if now is not the right time to donate, I understand.

But if you are able to make a contribution, please donate today and have your gift doubled.

You can give knowing that you are supporting over 40 years of research in pursuit of the evidence revealing how money shapes and influences our politics.

With your help, we'll continue to seek and share the facts. Can we count on you to invest in the truth about money in politics?
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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