Fox News: If Supreme Court ends affirmative action, here’s what could happen next


This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a pair of cases questioning the constitutionality of affirmative action in college admissions. If the Court rules against Harvard and the University of North Carolina, what will universities do next?

The admissions policies at certain K-12 schools may provide the answer, write Erin Wilcox and John Yoo, and anyone concerned with ending racial discrimination in public schools should pay close attention.

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The Hill: Why an Oklahoma family business is fighting the Consumer Product Safety Commission


The Consumer Product Safety Commission has set its sights on a small company in Oklahoma, claiming its infant-lounging pillow is a safety hazard. Never mind the company’s excellent safety record.

As Oliver Dunford reveals, however, the agency’s actions violate the Constitution’s separation of powers—at every stage.

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Arizona mom listed on state registry for letting her son play at the park


An Arizona mom was in shock when she received a call from a friend one November afternoon, informing her that police had detained her 7-year-old son and a friend at their neighborhood park.

It never crossed her mind, explains Brittany Hunter, that such an innocuous decision would get her name on a government “no-hire” list.

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