Democracy Needs Us

Hi John,

The finish line is in sight!

After months of volunteering, events, and community outreach, Election Day is nearly here. But with just days left in this critical midterm election cycle, New American candidates and communities need you to take action and be an advocate.

The good news? Everything you need to help strengthen our democracy is right here:

1️⃣ First and foremost, make sure you (and your friends and family!) have voted! If you haven't already, make a plan to vote early or on Election Day. Find your polling place and important information about voting in your state now. 

2️⃣ Sign up to text out the vote with us! Texting is a fun and safe way to connect with voters from the comfort of your own home! By reaching out directly to voters, you will be on the frontlines of the election motivating, educating, and reminding voters that their votes and voices matter. 

3️⃣ Sign up to triple the vote in NYC! For our New York friends, we will be at high priority voting locations in New York City this Sunday and on Election Day to ask voters to remind three friends or family members to vote. With a single conversation, you can inspire one voter to bring in three additional voters, tripling the impact of our work!

We can change the narrative this year and show that immigrant communities and communities of color not only turn out to vote, but decide elections. Working together, we have the power to swing elections and elect visionary leaders who will advocate for the changes and policies we need. 


In solidarity and with gratitude, 
Basi Alonso
Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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