NCOSE Researchers Presenting at the 2022 American Society of Criminology Conference 

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is pleased to announce that we are presenting our research at the prestigious American Society of Criminology’s (ASC) annual conference. This conference will take place November 16-19, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

NCOSE’s Research Institute submitted three abstracts in response to the Call for Papers and all three were accepted for presentation at the conference. Our presentations will focus on deterring sex buying, as the root cause of sexual exploitation. 

Sex trafficking simply could not exist without the consumer demand for it  ie. sex buying. The evidence we will present at the ASC conference will provide law enforcement agencies, policy makers, and community leaders with practical insights and tools to reduce consumer-level demand for commercial sex and sex trafficking in their communities. 


The CESE Summit is in a few short days!

The 2022 #CESE Summit starts next Wednesday, November 8th!

It isn't too late to register for this amazing FREE event! We hope you will join us, even if only to dabble in the amazing Summit app for just a few minutes each day! The 60 presentations are available on-demand, to watch whenever is convenient for your schedule. 

The conference is for EVERYONE who believes in a world where people can live and love free of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Register for FREE here and invite your friends!

WRAP Week Feature: The Best Kept Secret in Preparing Kids Against Pornography 

This week was WRAP (White Ribbon Against Pornography) week!

WRAP Week is a campaign, established in 1987, where people wear or display white ribbons to raise awareness about the public health harms of pornography.

An important part of WRAP Week has also been sharing solutions to this public health hazard. So, in honour of WRAP Week 2022, we want to share with you some of the most powerful tips for preparing kids to face a pornography-saturated world.

Let's be honest: It feels impossible to keep kids from seeing pornography these days. Social media and big tech have stacked the cards against parents and caregivers. While filters, rules, and monitoring are important, they are not foolproof, and most children will still be exposed to pornography one way or another. It’s time to prepare our children to be pornography resistant. When the endless protecting fails, our kids need to be ready to handle what happens.

Learn the best kept secret for raising pornography resistant kids here!

Young Men are Having Less Sex... But Normalizing Prostitution is Not the Answer

A recent Twitter thread that has been gaining traction resurfaced a 2019 study which found that young men are not having as much sex as they used to. Advocates of the sex industry have blamed this phenomenon on society's supposed stigmatization of sex, and proceed to argue that decriminalizing the commercial sex industry is the next step in "removing shame and fostering healthy sexuality."

The Daily Signal asked NCOSE's Dawn Hawkins to weigh in on this argument. She says: “There are a myriad of reasons why men under 30 may be having less sex, but normalizing prostitution would not lead to a utopian sex-positive society. Instead, it would increase toxic sexual entitlement and sexual exploitation. Men shouldn’t be entitled to sex from anyone, and in particular, from prostituted persons.”

The Daily Signal article also points to increased use of internet pornography as a reason why men are having less real sexual relationships: As pornography usage has increased, research shows that they are less interested in real relationships that require pursuit, risk rejection, and don’t have the production value of the “supernormal stimuli” they are exposed to with pornography."


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