From Pro Life Campaign <[email protected]>
Subject European Court rules forced that abortion violated rights of 20-year-old woman, big drop in abortions in US, PLC National Conference NEXT weekend!👣
Date November 4, 2022 9:02 AM
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News, Event Registration and Much More!

4th November 2022
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In this issue:

REGISTER NOW: The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney (#conf)

READ: European Court rules that forced abortion violated rights of 20-year-old woman (#Story One)

READ: US Report: 10,000 fewer abortions occurred in first two months after Dobbs decision (#STORY TWO)

READ: Another pro-life volunteer viciously assaulted in US (#Story Three)

ORDER NOW: Stay in touch this Christmas - Order your Christmas Cards Now! (#EXTRA)

ACTION ALERT: Send ready-to-go message to your local TDs on the link between ‘DIY’ home abortions and coercive abortion (#VPC)

APPLY NOW: Virtual Internship with the PLC (#VS)
The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney ()
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Register for Conference and Workshop Now ([link removed])

The Pro Life Campaign National Conference takes place on Saturday 12th November 2022. Join us at the RDS Concert Hall from 12-3.30pm with Workshops from 11am.

This year's conference will focus on a number of areas, nationally and internationally, where positive initiatives are happening, that over time will turn the tide in a pro-life direction.

There will be workshops, information stands and much more. See you there!

Guest speakers at the Conference include:
- Dr Dermot Kearney (Keynote Speaker)
- Lois McLatchie
- Peadar TĂłibĂ­n TD
- Elaine Noonan

Themed workshops on the following areas will take place from 11am:
- Young People in Politics (Students for Life Ireland)
- Grassroots Activism (PLC Network)
- Assisting Mothers in Need (Community Connect)
- Protecting Freedom of Conscience (Medical)

Register here ([link removed]) to attend the PLC’s National Conference 2022. Seating is limited so be sure to register today to avoid disappointment!
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European Court rules that forced abortion violated rights of 20-year-old woman ()

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that the rights of a 20-year-old woman were violated when her parents forced her to have an abortion in 2010.

In the case S.F.K. v Russia ([link removed]{%22tabview%22:[%22document%22],%22itemid%22:[%22002-13829%22]}) , the court found that the forced abortion was “an egregious form of inhuman and degrading treatment which had not only resulted in a serious immediate damage to her health – that is the loss of her unborn child – but had also entailed long-lasting negative physical and psychological effects.”

The abortion was carried out in a public hospital despite the woman continuing to make clear to her parents and medical personnel that she wished to keep her baby. At the time, the police did not prosecute the parents because they determined that they were acting in their daughter’s best interest.

The case highlights the rarely talked about fact — that studies show that a significant number of all abortions performed are carried out against the wishes of the woman.

As reported last week, the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) confirmed the horrifying story that a minor in Ireland was recently locked in a room and forced to take abortion pills.

Research conducted recently by Savanta ComRes for BBC Radio 4, revealed that 15% of women in the UK (aged 18-44) said that at some point in their life they experienced pressure to go through with an abortion they didn’t want to have.

We cannot rely on groups like the National Women’s Council to speak up for women who find themselves in these appalling situations. Likewise, the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has continued to defend the practice of at home telemedicine abortion despite the HSE admission that “meeting the woman in person increases the likelihood of the provider identifying any coercion or domestic abuse”.

We must continue to exert pressure on the Government to ensure coercive abortion practices are dealt with and brought to an end. The recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights lends considerable weight to these efforts.
US Report: 10,000 fewer abortions occurred in first two months after Dobbs decision ()

According to the group #WeCount, there were at least 10,000 fewer abortions carried out in the U.S. in the two months after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

#WeCount has close ties to the pro-abortion movement but the figures it compiled are at least worthy of consideration. They recorded the dramatic decrease in abortions in states that have introduced bans or restrictions on abortion and document the increase in abortions in States like Minnesota and Illinois, where women from neighbouring states appear to be travelling to access abortions.

Taking everything into account, the group that compiled the figures estimate that 10,570 fewer abortions took place in the U.S. between July and August than would typically occur year on year during these two months.

Pro-life groups in the U.S. have also drawn attention to the sharp drop in abortions that occurred in states that banned or restricted abortion following the Dobbs ruling in June. It is incredible to think that there are 10,570 babies alive today in the U.S. that would otherwise be dead if the Supreme Court had not issued its ruling.

Supporters of abortion should be asked if they believe the babies who are alive today as a result of the ruling have the same right to be alive as they do. It is a straightforward question. There is no room for equivocation in answering it.

The drop in the number of abortions taking place since the Dobbs decision is proof that pro-life laws save lives. Ireland showed that this was true prior to repeal and now the same is happening in the US. It’s why we have to keep pushing for incremental changes in Ireland and insisting that positive alternatives to abortion are prioritised in ad campaigns instead of the promotion of abortion that is currently taking place.
Another pro-life volunteer viciously assaulted in US ()

Last week, pro-life volunteer Ross Foti was brutally attacked outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in California by a person entering the facility. He suffered a punctured lung and other serious injuries and was hospitalised after the assault. He continues to require ongoing treatment for his injuries.

The attack occurred just one month after retired nurse Joan Jacobson was shot and injured while canvassing door-to-door for the pro-life cause in Michigan, The bullet from a .22 caliber rifle entered near the front of her shoulder and exited through her back, closely missing her spine. The man who attacked Ms Jacobson was arrested and is due to stand trial for the shooting.

To date, more than 100 pro-life centres in the US have been attacked since the leak of the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v Jackson on May 2.

The attacks have involved vandalism and ransacking of the centres, spray-painting of pro-abortion graffiti on the walls, smashed windows and in many instances death threats to the volunteers working in the centres. 17 of the attacks so far involved the firebombing of pro-life centres, attacks that could easily have led to a loss of life.

Aside from the shooting of nurse Jacobson and the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, there has not been a single arrest for any of the more than 100 violent attacks on pro-life centres. However, during the same period, 26 pro-life activists have been prosecuted in the US for engaging in peaceful pro-life protests that involved no violence or damage to property.

The refusal of US Attorney General Merrick Garland and others to take decisive action with regard to the attacks on pro-life individuals and centres has undoubtedly contributed to the increase in the number of physical assaults perpetrated against pro-life campaigners.
Stay in touch this Christmas - Order your Christmas Cards Now! ()
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This Christmas, why not take the opportunity to check in with friends and family that you haven’t been able to spend time with during 2022?

We are selling Christmas cards, the sale proceeds of which will help us continue our work seeking human rights for unborn babies and supporting their mothers.

A pack of 10 cards costs €15.

Order your cards today ([link removed]) , in time to send to friends and family this Christmas!
*Prices include cost of delivery to you (ROI residents).
Send INSTANT ready-to-go message to your TDs asking them to urge Stephen Donnelly to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion ()
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The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is expected to make a decision very soon on whether to end or sanction the continuation of telemedicine home abortions.

In a very distrubing new finding, 15% of women in the UK said they experienced pressure to go though with an abortion they didn't want to have.*

The HSE in Ireland recently acknowledged** that coercion is MORE likely to occur when abortions happen remotely.

Telemedicine abortion is anti-woman as well as anti-baby.

Take one minute to send an INSTANT message to your TDs asking them to urge the Minister for Health to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion now that Covid 19 measures have been eased in every other area.

You can send an instant message here ([link removed])

*The findings are contained in research conducted for BBC Radio 4
**In an answer to a Parliamentary Question from Carol Nolan TD on 3rd March 2022
APPLY NOW - Virtual Internship with the PLC (#1)

Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation?

If you would like, APPLY HERE ([link removed]) to our exciting virtual intern programme for students!
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Participants on the programme will have an opportunity to network with other young people and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning.

Internships run for one-week periods and are suitable for second level (Transition year or older) and third level students.

Each intern will do 4 hours supervised work each day and will be working on areas such as social media, contact with members of the movement nationwide, project planning and contributing to support work for women and their babies.

Internships are not paid, however expenses will be covered.

If you or a family member is interested, please complete the below form and we will be in touch with you presently. Placements are subject to availability.

Thank you!

Apply Now by filling in the application form ([link removed])
Follow us on social media!
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