
With 201 votes received, our chapter has overwhelmingly voted to endorse a call for LGBTQ+ organizing space at DSA’s National Convention next week.

That said…

DSA-LA calls for LGBTQ+ organizing space at DSA’s upcoming National Convention! 

Look forward to hearing more from us on this topic!


There are currently two important ballots being voted on by our members in good standing. 

They are:

VOTE: The DSA National Convention DSA-LA Chapter Straw Poll (Polls Close 11:59 P.M., Tonight)

We invite all DSA-LA members in good standing to vote in our National Convention Straw Poll. The results of this poll will inform our delegates on how our chapter overall would recommend delegates vote on the various items at the convention. 

Please find the list of proposed DSA national resolutions here and proposed changes to the organization’s constitution and bylaws here

DSA-LA delegates have analyzed the proposed resolutions and changes to the constitution and bylaws. You can find the analyses here and here, respectively.Members will be producing their own analyses of the proposed resolutions and changes to the constitution and bylaws. Those can be found here. [Note: It is not required to give a recommendation on every item.]

VOTE: Should DSA-LA Endorse Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Presidential Primary and Formation of DSA-LA for Bernie 2020 Campaign Working Group? (Polls Close 11:59 P.M., Friday, August 2nd)

Voting is now open on the Proposal for Endorsement of Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Presidential Primary and Formation of DSA-LA for Bernie 2020 Working Group.

Last Thursday, the DSA-LA Steering Committee shared the above proposal from over 25 comrades, with the chapter’s membership at large.

We then opened a call for suggested amendments to that proposal, and we hosted discussions on the topic at our chapter’s recent general meeting, on our internal Slack messaging board, and on our website: Proposed Amendments and Statements in Favor and Against the the Bernie 2020 Working Group Proposal.While amendment submissions are now closed, one suite of amendments was proposed, accepted as friendly, and incorporated into the proposal’s by its authors.  

Please note, members are encouraged to continue submitting comments in favor or against the proposal via this online submission form through the end of the election. 


Tuesday, July 30th

5 p.m: Democratic Debate Watch Party, Ye Rustic Inn, RSVP

Wednesday, July 31st

4-5 p.m: #JackieLaceyMustGo: w Black Lives Matter LA, White People 4 Black Lives, and more, RSVP 

Friday, August 2nd: DSA National Convention, Atlanta, Day 1

Saturday, August 3rd: DSA National Convention, Atlanta, Day 2

4 p.m: CISPES (The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Savador) at the Peace Center w/ IJC, RSVP

Sunday, August 4th: DSA National Convention, Atlanta, Day 3

2:30 - 8 p.m: Food Not Bombs, LA, RSVP 

Solidarity Forever! 🌹


Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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