Hi All-

I hope you are doing well and are excited for the New Year like we are in our house. I will try and keep this brief.

Our team of amazing folks put together a great email below to try and finish 2019 strong and make one last push to raise money before the reporting deadline of midnight tonight. Greg would be the first to tell you, I'm not a fan of money in politics. That said, I also understand that it takes a lot of resources to run a statewide campaign.

I'm not going to paint a picture that the sky is falling or that the world might end if we don't raise an additional $3,000 before Midnight tonight. Instead, I will leave you with this: we would be forever grateful if you chose to show your support of our campaign either by spreading our message to ten of your friends or making a small donation.

Greg and I are high school sweethearts and we’ve been faithfully committed to each other for over 20 years now. He's an great husband, dedicated father, and tireless public servant.

If you don’t already know Greg’s story, I’d encourage you to get to know him a little better, by checking out this blog post Greg did a few months ago.

After getting a glimpse into why Greg wants to continue his life as a servant leader, I am fully confident that you will understand why our three little girls and I are such huge cheerleaders, and we hope you will also become a supporter!

Once you’ve read more about his story and if you feel compelled to support our campaign ahead of tonight's deadline, a donation of $10 helps us spread our campaign's message across the state of North Carolina. 

Carrie Gebhardt
Donate Today
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Greg for Lt. Governor <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 9:00 AM
Subject: New Year. New Look. New Numbers.
To: <[email protected]>
View this email in your browser

Dear Supporter,

We trust you had a Merry Christmas and are gearing up for a great year in 2020. We too are ready to hit the ground running in the new year and are doing so with the launch of an all new website.  Below is a preview and we anticipate going live on the new site in the coming days.

Would you please consider a donation of $5 to help us promote the launch of our new site?

Yes, Three. Point. Five. Million.

In the next 65 days our team needs to make a minimum of 3.5 million impressions on voters across the state in order to win our race.
The pins above depict nearly all of our campaign stops to date.
While we've already made thousands of connections, introductions, and left an impression with folks over the last 165 days since we launched our campaign--as you can see above--we need your help to finish strong.

We've done the math, and your $25 donation will allow our team to reach an average of 1,584 potential voters.
I'm On Board With Team Greg
What your donation enables our team to accomplish:
1. Promote our new website.
2. Share our message.
3. Connect with potential voters via radio, television, phone, email, and online.
4. Showcase our campaign video currently in the final stages of production.

We've yet to make a direct ask of our supporters like this; however, with the end of the year deadline coming Tomorrow Night at Midnight we need your support now more than ever.

Countdown to 2019 finance reporting deadline.
We hope that by sharing exactly where your money is going and what it will allow us to accomplish, coupled with reading our story, that you're willing to take the leap and jump on board with Team Greg with a donation.
Donate Today

On The Campaign Trail

Thank you to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Republican Women for the opportunity to meet Fox News personality and former Congressman Jason Chaffetz. What a great event and a timely message.
Your donation today will not only allow us to share our campaign with others, it will prove that our hard work is paying off and folks are getting behind us.
Donate $25 Now
Click above and Join Team Greg.
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Greg Gebhardt Committee
PO Box 97275
Raleigh, NC 27624

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Paid for by the Greg Gebhardt Committee. Greg Gebhardt is a member of the North Carolina National Guard. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina National Guard, Department of the Army or the Department of Defense. This correspondence is not intended to solicit contributions from registered lobbyists in North Carolina.