Dear beloved community,
As elections approach and autumn continues to unravel, we offer these musings to center into ourselves, together. We hold steadfast that we are autonomous in our bodies, that our bodies are our own, and we know best how to love, care, provide and exist in our bodies.
We stay grounded in our bodily autonomy, which is connected to the sovereignty of all beings, human, and our more than human kin inextricably linked with our shared Earth body.
We stay committed to knowing that another world is possible and that voting is not the way itself, but a placeholder while we diligently open the path for a future of unbounded liberation.
This November 8th, Michigan and many states across our nation have a decisive election. We face the continual bombardment of extreme far right politics rooted in hateful philosophies that strip our people further of their rights to cultivate sovereignty of our bodies.
As Mariame Kaba writes, “From forced sterilization to family separation, the carceral state itself is an act of reproductive violence.” In the face of such blatant degradation to choice and dignity, we will show up at the polls to stand firm in our sacred right to make decisions about our own bodies and futures, ensuring that we protect the most targeted amongst us: Black women, Indigenous women, and other women of color, as well as trans women and birthing people across the gender spectrum.
“An individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.” - Michigan Proposal 3