John, this is outrageous: Donald Trump’s disinformation machine is already preparing to call to overturn midterm election results in swing states… before most voters have even cast their ballots!
You read that right – over the past few months, Trump has mobilized extremist attorneys and dark money groups – all towards a desperate attempt to reverse any results he doesn’t like.
Make no mistake – this effort will likely fail, just like it did in 2020. But that doesn’t mean it can’t cause lasting damage to our democracy. And the most worrying part? Trump reportedly views this as a “dress rehearsal for Trump 2024.” [1]
Sign the Petition: Condemn Trump’s reckless plans to undermine our democracy – and urge the DOJ to keep enforcing consequences for elections deniers to make sure these plans don’t succeed >>
We’ve seen just how dangerous Trump’s anti-democracy schemes can be. Since 2020, his Big Lie has incited hundreds of threats against election workers, a swell of distrust in our electoral process, and a deadly attack at our Capitol.
But Trump and his enablers refuse to back down. Right now, they’re laser-focused on Pennsylvania – and have already planned “aggressive court campaigns” and “a media blitz” to launch if voters don’t select Trump’s handpicked candidates.
That’s right: According to Trump and his cronies, an election isn’t fair unless their side wins.
You and I both know our elections are secure – and the biggest threat to our democracy is the disinformation Trump and his cronies have been spreading for years.
But, John, if we don’t put a stop to this immediately – Trump is sure to take this strategy into 2024. There’s no telling what kind of damage his conspiracy theories will do.
Add your name if you agree: it’s time to shut down Trump’s dangerous efforts to destroy faith in our democracy.
I hope we can count on you to speak out in this high-stakes moment. Together, we’ll make it clear that WE – not Donald Trump – have the power in our democracy.
With thanks for all you do,
Sarah Trindell, Senior Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause