If Democrats are going to have any chance at defending the Senate majority, we need to win in Wisconsin. This race is a critical opportunity to flip a Republican-held seat, and I cannot do it without your support. I got in this race because I know we can beat Ron Johnson.

John -

I am about to ask you to make a $10 contribution to my campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. Please give me a chance to explain why your contribution is so important – especially today.

Here's the deal:

I got in this race because I know we can beat Ron Johnson.

And, if Democrats are going to have any chance at defending the Senate majority, we need to win in Wisconsin. This race is a critical opportunity to flip a Republican-held seat, and I cannot do it without your support.

But defeating Ron Johnson will not be easy. The Republican Party and their super PACs will stop at nothing to defend this seat. We are up against significant amounts of outside spending, and it's going to require a lot of grassroots donations to give our campaign the resources we need to win.

So today is one of those days when I need to ask:

Can you please make a $10 contribution to my campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin today? I'm not taking any corporate PAC money, so your contribution will go a long way toward putting us in a position to win this race.

I cannot wait to see what this grassroots team is able to accomplish on Election Day. And it's the contribution you make today that will ensure that our campaign stays on a path to win this race.

All my best,

Mandela Barnes