Patriot, Whenever politicians know your attention is focused on one thing, they’re busy doing something elsewhere. Right now, everyone’s attention is on next week’s midterm election, but Congress is planning for the “lame duck” session that comes next. You and I should be looking ahead, too. After the election, when many citizens take a much deserved (but premature) break from politics, Congress will launch into a mad rush to ram through every radical bill they couldn’t get done earlier in the year. That will be especially true if the “red wave” comes . . . as many people are predicting. It will presumably be the Democrats’ last chance to pass radical legislation while they still have majorities in the House and the Senate. The Number One threat right now is a Digital ID bill that would pave the way for a Central Bank Digital Currency, which would mean the end of what’s left of our financial freedom and privacy. The globalists have been salivating at the notion of using a Central Bank Digital Currency for social engineering. As one central banker put it: “You could think of giving your children pocket
money but programming the money so that it couldn’t be used for sweets. There is a whole range of things that money could do,
programmable money, which we cannot do with the current technology.” It’s revealing that the banking elites view the population as unruly children they need to control. And the “sweets” they really want to control include firearms . . . what you drive . . . what
you eat . . . where you live . . . your health care choices . . . Sandra Ro, Chief Executive of the Global Blockchain Business Council, even had the audacity to say a Central Bank Digital Currency could work like vouchers, with a similar goal of restricting YOU to buying only what the powers-that-be deem as “essentials” with YOUR money. (And would it surprise you to find out that Sandra Ro is a member of the World Economic Forum’s CBDC Working Group? The same WEF behind the Great Reset!) But the Central Bank Digital Currency schemes all have one problem: First, they need a Digital ID. And that’s exactly what Congress is plotting to move forward on . . . in the Lame Duck session when people are exhausted of politics . . . buried inside a “must-pass” national defense bill. We must stop this scheme right now. Campaign for Liberty learned this Digital ID scheme is being quietly slipped into the “must-pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Congress will deal with when they reconvene after next week’s midterm election. The NDAA normally determines the agencies responsible for defense, establishes recommended funding levels, and sets the policies under which money will be spent on defense-related activities. But as is also normal, the NDAA is often stuffed with other bills and topics that have nothing to do with national defense. Irrelevant bills are simply rolled into the NDAA as amendments. The Digital ID bill, “Improving Digital Identity Act of 2022 (S. 4528),” has just two sponsors in the Senate: Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), but once slipped into the NDAA, it stands a greater chance of passage since nobody wants to oppose funding the troops. This bill will create a new federal bureaucracy, an “Improving Digital Identity Task Force,” to lay the groundwork for a Digital ID scheme – which is also a step down the road to a national ID system – and create a grant program to hand out cash to states willing to implement the scheme at the state level. States are always quick to accept millions in federal funds, and too often put the money over the best interests of their citizens. This Digital ID bill has already been added to the list of amendments to the NDAA. “Improving Digital Identity” is just one of hundreds of amendments the statists hope you won’t see. We need to DEMAND they OPPOSE this Digital ID scheme and keep it OUT of the NDAA! From Digital ID, the next step is the Central Bank Digital Currency. And from there, it’ll go even further. The truth is, the statists have no intention of limiting this Orwellian technology to your finances. This is clearly the other side of the coin to Bill Gates' and Dr. Fauci's calls for "Digital Immunity Passports." The truth is, the authoritarians and their elite pals want nothing less than a complete digital ledger of every citizen’s entire life. You don't have to connect many dots to see it. The globalist banksters talk about it constantly. China already has a “social credit” system. American companies already have “ESG” (environmental/social/governance) scores. Suppose the government bureaucrat in charge found a post on social media that was "NOT WOKE" in their determination? Or maybe you didn't say or post something they believe you should have – what do you think happens to your "digital dollars" then? Patriot, ultimately all of this is headed to a world where you and me (and everyone else) are enslaved to a few powerful elites with the means to monitor what we do, say, think, have or don't have in our bodies. That’s why it’s so critical we pressure Congress NOW, and DEMAND Republicans in the Senate BLOCK this “Digital ID” legislation from being slipped into the NDAA in the Lame Duck session. Because you and I CAN stop this by speaking out. Congress is accustomed to a relatively “quiet” Lame Duck session, since their constituency is typically focused on the upcoming holidays. We need to ring their bell. Here’s what I need you to do to bring their globalist scheme to a halt: 1) If you
haven’t already done so, sign your directive to Congress demanding your lawmakers OPPOSE any Digital ID scheme in ANY bill, including
“lame duck” legislation. It only takes a moment, and we always redact your direct contact information in your sent directives. 2) Pass this message on to your fellow patriots, so we can keep more people informed and mobilized. (This is especially important when many other groups will be taking a vacation after the big election.) 3) If you can, please make a generous contribution for the support we need in order to fight this globalist agenda. Campaign for Liberty uses your support not only to rally more patriots, but to mobilize and pressure key members of Congress, not just in Washington but in their home districts. This targeted strategy enables us to have far greater impact than your typical Washington “think tank”: we don’t just deliver petitions; we bring pressure and political pain. It’s a tactic that has worked to tremendous effect over the years. But there is strength in numbers, and we can’t do it without your support. So whether you can give $10, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help us keep up the fight, your support will make the difference. Thank you for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. Piece by piece, globalists are working to bring the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset to the United States. Introducing a Digital ID is the first step towards creating a Central Bank Digital Currency which is all a part of Klaus Schwab’s plan. When the government controls your money, they win. We don’t have much time to stop the NDAA from being politicized and turned on Americans. You and I can prevent this dangerous Digital ID bill from being slipped into the National Defense Authorization Act when most Americans are not paying attention. Take a moment to tell Congress NOW: OPPOSE any Digital ID schemes! And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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