Hi John,

Maybe you already voted, are voting by mail, or will head to the polls in person on November 8. We want to make sure, though, that no matter how or when you do it, you have a plan to vote in this election. 


Voting laws in Wisconsin have changed greatly over the past two years, so it’s essential to know the deadlines and rules for your chosen method of voting in your municipality. 

As you prepare to vote, check out the website My Vote Wisconsin. No matter where you live in the state, My Vote Wisconsin can educate you on all deadlines, hours, polling locations, and even what’s on your local ballot. 

If you still have questions even after visiting My Vote Wisconsin, feel free to send us an email here at WAVE. We’re happy to help with anything to help you get out and vote!

See you at the polls,

Policy and Strategic Partnerships Associate


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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