November 3, 2022
Dear John xxxxxx,
Open Enrollment for Health Care Marketplace is here!
Act by December 15th for coverage starting January 1st OR by January 15th for coverage starting February 1st
Great news! The enrollment period for the Health Care Marketplace is open. Now through January 15, you can enroll in the Health Care Marketplace to get health insurance at a discounted price or compare and change plans. Enroll by December 15 for coverage starting January 1, 2023, or by January 15 for coverage beginning February 1, 2023.
Protecting your affordable, quality health care is one of my top priorities in Congress. That is why earlier this year, I joined my colleagues to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which locks in lower health care premiums for 13 million families, lowers seniors’ prescription drug prices, and caps their out of pocket expenses for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year.
Visit to enroll or renew!
Or you can get help applying for health care insurance in three ways: by phone, in-person, or with an agent or broker.
Important dates
- November 1, 2022: Open Enrollment started — first day you could enroll in, re-enroll in, or change a 2023 health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Coverage can start as soon as January 1, 2023.
- December 15, 2022: Last day to enroll in or change plans for coverage to start January 1, 2023.
- January 1, 2023: 2023 coverage starts for those who enroll in or change plans by December 15, 2022 and paid their first premium.
- January 15, 2023: Last day to enroll in or change a 2023 health plan. After this date, you can enroll in or change plans only if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
- February 1, 2023: 2023 coverage starts for those who enroll in or change plans December 16, 2022 through January 15, 2023 and pay their first premium.
To get ready, sign up for emails through to get deadline reminders and other important information.
Upcoming Events in Texas' 33rd Congressional District
On Friday, November 11th from 6PM - 8PM CT, I am hosting a Veterans Day Town Hall to connect with you about the challenges veterans are facing at home and how Congress can help solve these problems.
Friday, November 11th
6PM - 8PM
American Legion Post 838
1250 Mansfield Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Keeping our district and communities safe and healthy has, and always will be, my number one priority. If I can be of any assistance, please contact my District Offices in Dallas at (214) 741-1387 or Fort Worth at (817) 920-9086.
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