Dear John, Firstly, apologies for the later-than-usual arrival of this email in your inbox this month. We updated our website this week and wanted to ensure everything was working as it should before sending this. Although you shouldn't notice too many changes, do check out the new website and if you see anything that doesn't look quite right, please let us know. Now we turn our thoughts to 15 November, the day the UN predicts we will pass 8 billion people on the planet for the first time. To mark this milestone, we've commissioned a new report, Crisis Point: The World at 8 Billion People, and we also have 8 suggested actions you could take in the days ahead. In other news, we comment on two important environmental reports, discuss recent population happenings from around the globe and share a compelling article written by a PM consultant on the importance of sex education to young girls in India. - The
PM team