The World We Live in
Larry Klayman joins his clients in preserving freedom
By Larry Klayman
July 28, 2019
The phrase that I use these days to explain the sorry and frightening state of the nation's body politic — where leftist radical and establishment interests employ whatever means they feel justify their ends — is "This is the world we live in!"
Whether it's the leftist Muslim and anti-Semitic, anti- Christian and anti-white radicals in Congress such as Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, or even establishment hacks like Representatives Jerold Nadler, Adam Schiff and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or Senators Chuck Schumer and Mark Warner, the leftist Carter, Clinton and Obama appointees who inhabit the federal bench, or leftist bar associations which seek to retaliate against and destroy lawyers who support President Donald Trump, but ignore ethical abuses by leftist lawyers who aspire to take him down — and of course the leftist social and print media — there is one thing certain: Unless these leftist forces are forcefully opposed head-on, the vision of our Founding Fathers is doomed to cease to exist.
Today, I am writing this column on my laptop from my birthplace in Philadelphia. I'm sitting in a café in front of Independence Hall. There, on July 4, 1776, a free nation was born, one that was to be a nation of laws and not men, in the words of our great Founding Father and second American president John Adams.
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