Questioning that is "unlawful." Biden sounds like Stalin who said, "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.". The Democrat media axis has it marching orders, prepare the American people for delayed ...
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Biden Gives Divisive Speech: We Will Steal It and You Will Like It (Or Else)
Questioning that is “unlawful.” Biden sounds like Stalin who said, “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

The Democrat media axis has it marching orders, prepare the American ...

Biden Regime Openly Interfered With Brazil Presidential Election As Millions of Brazilians Protest Rigged Results
Once a force for good, America's greatest export was political freedom and the principle of individual rights. The Democrats have turned that on its head, like everything else. No longer a problem solver or the world's police man, now we are the ...

A dear friend is presently reading a history book The Story of England – Makers of the Realm, by Sir Arthur Bryant published in 1953. He summarizes the reasons for the decline of Roman power in three paragraphs. There is, I believe, an uncanny ...

As COVID Hit, Leftist and RINO Elites Traded Stocks ‘With Exquisite Timing’
Why is America standing for this banana republic corruption? These cosseted elitists would have us believe that they just guessed right and were incredibly lucky. Obviously they exploited the inside information to which they were privy and ...

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Brings On Jew-Hater Ilhan Omar to Discuss…Anti-Semitism
Who's next on MSNBC to discuss anti-Semitism? Josef Goebbels? MSNBC may have been trying for a share of the Babylon Bee’s market on Sunday when its host Mehdi Hasan featured a discussion of one of the burning issues of our time, Donald Trump’s ...

Democrat WI Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes Praises Iran’s Supreme Leader For His ‘Black Lives Matter’ Tweet
Mandela Barnes is the Democratic candidate for the Senate in Wisconsin. He is also a professed admirer of Iran’s Supreme Leader, the ruthless and corrupt dictator Ayatollah Khamenei, whose regime beats girls and women to death for not wearing the ...

Affirmative Action is Immoral: Three Radical Activist SCOTUS Justices Root For Racial Discrimination In Oral Arguments, But Six Others Are Skeptical
Last night, Tucker Carlson laid bare the racism and depravity of affirmative action. The case for this systemic racism, no different then Jim Crow,  is currently being argued in front of the Supreme Court. Let us pray this terrible wrong is ...

North Korea Fires at Least 23 missiles, Including First to Land Close to South’s Territorial Waters
Remember when the heinous mainstream media mocked President Trump’s effective ‘peace through strength’ policies against North Korea? Be prepared for America's adversaries to totally destabilize the world in the second half of Biden's term. ...

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Says Illegal Mail In Ballots Will Not Be Counted
Nothing drives the Democrat party more insane than leveling the playing field, having to follow the law, or having to play it straight. These rulings unfortunately are only as good as the people enforcing them.

“It's not the people who vote ...

WATCH: Crackbrained Biden Blames Inflation On ‘War in Iraq’ AND That His Son Died There (Big Lie)
This is so dangerous. Expect our adversaries to take full advantage of President Biden after the Democrats lose both houses of Congress next week. History will not be kind to the American media for manipulated millions of Americans into voting for ...

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Democrat March To Defend Late Term Abortion, Infanticide (Defeat The Right) in NYC
Oct 8, 2022 – Noon. Foley Square. NYC.

Pro-abortion protestors (young and old)

… male, female and … in between…

.They filled Foley square, DEMANDING unlimited access to abortions.

.Their protest hosts were the usual ...

WATCH: How US Government Agencies Secretly Aided Communist China’s Rise

"Some things have been redacted, removed from the book…The CIA & FBI & DOD felt they were telling too much about just how deeply involved we were in China."

@MikePillsbury on how US gov’t agencies secretly aided the rise of ...

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