We’re ending 2019 where we began:

We began the year by fighting to block President Trump’s attempt to strike down the Affordable Care Act, roll back countless environmental protections, and stop his attacks on immigrant communities.
With multiple wins secured and many fights ongoing, we’re now about to lead the Trump resistance into 2020 to protect our people, resources and values.
In 2019, while President Trump let corporate interests go unchecked, this year alone, we secured over $1.5 billion in settlements from some of the largest corporations in the country.
While President Trump attacked immigrants, we won for our families by blocking the citizenship question.
And while President Trump rolled back dozens of environmental protections, our 34 climate lawsuits and 20+ environmental wins (so far) made a critical difference as we defend the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and countless environmental protections.
Team, a lot has changed this year, but one thing hasn’t: Xavier’s commitment to fight for hardworking families.
As we enter into a new decade, Xavier’s commitment to you remains the same: He won’t stop fighting — and winning — for our families.
Team Becerra