She is counting on this progressive movement’s support to fight back.

Ilhan for Congress

Friends, United Democracy Project, a super PAC affiliated with right-wing group AIPAC, just poured more than $1 million behind ads attacking progressive champion Summer Lee in PA-12.

This is the same group that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into another PAC to try to unseat me in the final days of my August primary.

Super PACs have flooded Summer’s race with upwards of $6 million, and she’s being outspent 3 to 1. This is a huge opportunity to prove that organized people beat organized money — but we’re counting on this grassroots movement to step up so Summer’s team can counter these bad-faith attacks, keep up their ads, and get out the vote across PA-12.

Can you split a donation of any amount between Summer Lee in PA-12 and me right now so Summer can overcome these attacks and join the Squad in Congress?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Summer Lee and Ilhan Omar immediately:

Summer is ready to fight in Congress to lift up working people, protect reproductive rights, pass Medicare for All, address climate change, and more.

But United Democracy Project — which falsely accused Summer of not being a real Democrat in her primary — is now boosting her far-right, anti-choice Republican opponent.

To make matters worse, her GOP opponent shares a name with a retiring Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman and is using that to his advantage to try to confuse Democratic voters and win.

Our movement has out-organized every challenge we’ve faced, and in these final days of the election, we need to bring that energy to Summer’s race and help power her to victory.

Please, split a donation of any amount between Summer’s campaign and my own to fight back against these attacks and bring a new Squad member to the House >>

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar