The Udall Update
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Hello Friend,

2019 was an exciting year. We kicked it off with a brand new Congress that set a record for diversity, and we got to work on new and important legislation. I introduced and advanced a wide range of bills, from the For The People Act – to get money and corruption out of politics and bring accountability back to Washington— to bills that protect our wildlife and public lands and take bold action to fight climate change.

Sometimes change is slow, and it can be easy to get discouraged. Our current political environment leaves plenty to be desired. But there is progress, and reason for hope. And as the year comes to an end, I wanted to tell you about some of the successes we had this year for New Mexico, and look ahead at the hard work to do in 2020 and beyond.

Climate change is the greatest threat to our world, and in particular, to our way of life in New Mexico. The global scientific community has spoken out unequivocally about this threat—so Congress needs to act. And we also need to protect our beautiful outdoor spaces, across the nation and at home in the Land of Enchantment – because they are central to our state’s character and economy. In order to protect our natural heritage for generations to come, I helped secure permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, secured relief for New Mexican farmers impacted by toxic chemicals known as PFAS, and introduced a new, gamechanging goal for our nation: conserving 30 percent of our land and water by 2030. Together, we can make this happen.

This year also marked a solemn anniversary: the 18th year of the war in Afghanistan. New Mexicans and so many other brave Americans have served their nation in uniform in this war – many of them giving the ultimate sacrifice. Eighteen years after this war began, it’s time to bring our troops home. I introduced legislation to do just that, as well as to prevent our nation from being dragged into another war in the Middle East without Congressional approval.

Speaking of Congressional approval, I worked to ensure that we uphold the Constitution and the rule of law in our government. I fought to stand up for our border communities and prevent the President from taking funding away from New Mexico’s military bases in order to build his wall. Because New Mexico’s military families—and the safety of our nation—shouldn’t pay the price for a political project. 

Udall_DFAUltimately, if we want our government to work better for the American people – then we need to enact reforms to restore the democracy and values that our nation was founded upon. That’s why I am fighting for the For the People Act and Democracy For All Amendment: because only when we rid our political system of corruption and big money – and make sure the people’s voices are really heard – will we get to work on the American people’s priorities in earnest.

There’s a lot of good work that happened this year. I was proud to head up bills that protect our roads from drunk drivers, pass the Esther Martinez Native languages bill, continue fighting for Tribes as vice-chair of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and work to protect the health care of New Mexico families. If you want to read more about what we accomplished for New Mexico in 2019, click here.

I look forward to continuing the honor of representing all New Mexicans in the new year. Happy holiday season!

Best Wishes,

Tom Udall signature

Tom Udall
United States Senator


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Photo of poppies in New Mexico's bootheel
by DiAnn Matteson from Rodeo