Pallotta - Republican for Congress.  |

Hi Friend it’s Jack Ciattarelli.

Do you have a moment?

We have a tremendous opportunity in front of us. In 6 days, New Jersey voters will have the opportunity to retire Nancy Pelosi, and you can do your part with a vote for Frank Pallotta.

For the past two years, Democrat Josh Gottheimer has been making himself richer and richer while taking votes that have led to soaring gas prices, record-setting inflation, and higher prices on everything we buy.

Now is YOUR chance to STOP the broken Biden/Gottheimer agenda.

Step up and make a meaningful contribution of $2022, $1000, $500, $250 or even $100 in the next hour to support your next Congressman, Frank Pallotta! >>


If you want change, you need to make a change. Let’s start by electing Frank Pallotta to Congress.

Support Frank Pallotta today! >>

Let’s Fix Our Country,

Thank you, 

Jack Ciattarelli

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