Citizens' Climate heads to COP27 in Egypt
With the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, beginning this weekend, Citizens’ Climate is on our way to Egypt to create the political will for a livable world! President Biden will be in attendance along with many other heads of state. Madeleine Para, executive director of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, will attend the conference with the Conservative Climate Foundation, alongside the congressional delegation from the Conservative Climate Caucus. Joe Robertson, executive director of Citizens’ Climate International, will also attend as our delegation works toward a constructive flow of insights that brings everyone to the table. One way that Citizens’ Climate will do this at COP27 is through the People’s Pavilion, a workspace for coordinators, volunteers and allies to provide online access to select events and discussions. Our CCI delegation will consist of approximately 15 members. Madeleine and Joe, as well as some CCLers, will meet with key allies and partners to talk about high priority topics, including civics, incentives, finance, food, and nature, and the impact that climate change has had on these areas. Want to know more about what’s going on at the summit? Be sure to follow Joe on Twitter for more updates from Citizens’ Climate and COP27!
In other news this week: • Don Voyage: Don Addu, Senior Director of Programs, announced this week that he will be moving on from CCL. “This is not goodbye, it's just a thank you. Rest assured that my commitment to the climate and democracy is as strong as ever, and I know yours is as well,” Don writes. You can read his full message in this post on CCL Community. • Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 77: On this month’s episode, Peterson Toscano talks with Julio Cochoy, a Guatemala native who grew up in the scenic Highlands region. • Research team podcast appearance: Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli appeared on another episode of Healthy Living Healthy Planet Radio, where he discusses climate politics before the midterm elections. Listen now! • Pedaling for a purpose: Mountain West Regional Coordinator Bill Barron writes about his bicycling tour throughout Utah and the climate awareness that has spread across the Beehive state. • Happy Halloween: This Halloween meme from CCL’s Instagram is proof that CCLers aren’t just climate activists on Halloween, but the other 364 days of the year as well! |