Dear Person I’m Asking To Contribute To Admiral Mike Franken (To Beat Chuck Grassley [Who He’s Within 3 Points Of]),
I’m no relation to Mike Franken. Also, I’m not an admiral. But I’m supporting Mike’s campaign for the U.S. Senate in Iowa against Chuck Grassley.
You might not have heard about this race. That’s because no one really gave Mike a chance. But I did. I’ve been supporting him for months. And suddenly, everyone thinks I’m a genius! Because the latest Des Moines Register poll has Mike within 3 points of Grassley, trailing 46%-43% with likely voters. That’s within the margin of error!
What did I know that others didn’t? First, Grassley is unpopular with Iowans. Two-thirds think he’s too old (89) to be running for another 6-year term.
Also, some of his old baloney is coming back to haunt him. Remember when he claimed that The Affordable Care Act was going to create “death panels” that would “pull the plug on grandma?”
The Affordable Care Act is now deeply popular in Iowa!!
Meanwhile, Iowans have been getting to know Mike Franken. And like what they see!
Mike was born and raised in Lebanon, Iowa – which I’ve never been to. He’s a three-star admiral who served over 36 years in the Navy. He commanded a destroyer and participated in nine post-9/11 operations. And now he wants to serve Iowa in US Senate.
In late 2002, as a young lieutenant, Mike Franken was tasked by the White House to be part of a Pentagon group to plan the invasion of Iraq. Mike was the task force’s junior member, full of generals and career politicians. When the vote came, they were presented with three invasion plans. Mike was the only member of the task force to vote for a fourth option: DON’T INVADE!
We need more people in the Senate with the courage and integrity of a Mike Franken. Well, not “a Mike Franken.” Mike Franken.
While everyone (including me) has been looking at Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, I’ve been the only one screaming about Iowa. I know Chuck Grassley. Chuck Grassley was a colleague of mine. Chuck Grassley is too old! And Iowans know it!
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Let’s keep the majority!
Al Franken
P.S. On election night, when the anchors say, “Holy mackerel, the road to keeping the majority was through Iowa!” you can say, “And I made it happen!”